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#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Postprocessing and Saving Matrices, Corpora and LDA Models ==========================================================
Functions of this module are designed for the purpose of **postprocessing text data and topic models**. You have the ability to save `document-term matrices <>`_, `tokenized corpora <>`_ and `LDA models <>`_, access topics, topic probabilites for documents, as well as word probabilities for each topic. All matrix variants provided in `preprocessing.create_document_term_matrix()` are supported, as well as `lda <>`, `Gensim <>` and `MALLET <>` models or output, respectively.
Contents: * `save_document_term_matrix()` writes a document-term matrix to a `CSV <>`_ file or to a `Matrix Market <>`_ file, respectively. * `save_tokenized_corpus()` writes tokens of a tokenized corpus to plain text files per document. * `save_model()` saves a LDA model (except MALLET models, which will be saved by specifying a parameter of `mallet.create_mallet_model()`). * `show_topics()` shows topics of a LDA model. * `show_document_topics()` shows topic probabilities for each document. * `show_word_weights()` shows word probabilities for each topic. """
format='%(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s')
""" Writes a `document_term_matrix` and, in case of a large corpus variant, `document_ids` and `type_ids` to comma-separated values (CSV) files. Furthermore, if `document_term_matrix` is designed for large corpora and `matrix_market` is True, the matrix will be saved in the `Matrix Market format <>`_ (`.mm`). Libraries like `scipy <>`_ and `gensim <>`_ are able to read and process the Matrix Market format.
**Use the function `preprocessing.create_document_term_matrix()` to create a document-term matrix.**
Args: document_term_matrix (pandas.DataFrame): Document-term matrix with rows corresponding to `document_labels` and columns corresponding to types (unique tokens in the corpus). The single values of the matrix are type frequencies. Will be saved as `document_term_matrix.csv` or ``, respectively. path (str): Path to the output directory. document_ids (dict, optional): Dictionary containing `document_labels` as keys and an unique identifier as value. Only required, if `document_term_matrix` is designed for large corpora. Will be saved as `document_ids.csv`. Defaults to None. type_ids (dict, optional): Dictionary containing types as keys and an unique identifier as value. Only required, if `document_term_matrix` is designed for large corpora. Will be saved as `type_ids.csv`. Defaults to None. matrix_market (bool, optional): If True, matrix will be saved in Matrix Market format. Only for the large corpus variant of `document_term_matrix` available. Defaults to False.
Returns: None.
Example: >>> from dariah_topics import preprocessing >>> import os >>> tokenized_corpus = [['this', 'is', 'a', 'tokenized', 'document']] >>> document_labels = ['document_label'] >>> path = 'tmp' >>> document_term_matrix = preprocessing.create_document_term_matrix(tokenized_corpus, document_labels) >>> save_document_term_matrix(document_term_matrix, path) >>> preprocessing.read_document_term_matrix(os.path.join(path, 'document_term_matrix.csv')) #doctest +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE this is a tokenized document document_label 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 """ if not os.path.exists(path):"Creating directory {} ...".format(path)) os.makedirs(path)
if not matrix_market:"Saving document_term_matrix.csv to {} ...".format(path)) document_term_matrix.to_csv(os.path.join(path, 'document_term_matrix.csv')) if isinstance(document_term_matrix.index, pd.MultiIndex): if document_ids and type_ids is not None:"Saving document_ids.csv to {} ...".format(path)) document_ids.to_csv(os.path.join(path, 'document_ids.csv'))"Saving type_ids.csv to {} ...".format(path)) type_ids.to_csv(os.path.join(path, 'type_ids.csv')) else: raise ValueError("You have to pass document_ids and type_ids as parameters.") elif isinstance(document_term_matrix.index, pd.MultiIndex) and matrix_market: _save_matrix_market(document_term_matrix, path) return None
""" Writes a `document_term_matrix` designed for large corpora to `Matrix Market <>`_ file (`.mm`). Libraries like `scipy <>`_ and `gensim <>`_ are able to read and process the Matrix Market format. This private function is wrapped in `save_document_term_matrix()`.
**Use the function `preprocessing.create_document_term_matrix()` to create a document-term matrix.**
Args: document_term_matrix (pandas.DataFrame): Document-term matrix with only one column corresponding to type frequencies and a pandas MultiIndex with `document_ids` for level 0 and `type_ids` for level 1. Will be saved as ``. path (str): Path to the output directory.
Returns: None.
Example: >>> from dariah_topics import preprocessing >>> import os >>> tokenized_corpus = [['this', 'is', 'a', 'tokenized', 'document']] >>> document_labels = ['document_label'] >>> path = 'tmp' >>> document_term_matrix = preprocessing.create_document_term_matrix(tokenized_corpus, document_labels, large_corpus=True) >>> _save_matrix_market(document_term_matrix, path) >>> with open(os.path.join(path, ''), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: ... print( #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ''' %%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general 1 5 5 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 1 0 4 1 ''' """ num_docs = document_term_matrix.index.get_level_values('doc_id').max() num_types = document_term_matrix.index.get_level_values('token_id').max() sum_counts = document_term_matrix[0].sum() header = "{} {} {}\n".format(num_docs, num_types, sum_counts)
with open(os.path.join(path, ''), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write("%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general\n") file.write(header) document_term_matrix.to_csv(file, sep=' ', header=None) return None
""" Writes tokens of a `tokenized_corpus` to plain text files per document to `path`. Every file will be named after its `document_label`. Depending on the used tokenizer, `tokenized_corpus` does normally not contain any punctuations or one-letter words.
**Use the function `preprocessing.tokenize()` to tokenize a corpus.**
Args: tokenized_corpus (list): Tokenized corpus containing one or more iterables containing tokens. document_labels (list): Name of each `tokenized_document` in `tokenized_corpus`. path (str): Path to the output directory.
Returns: None
Example: >>> tokenized_corpus = [['this', 'is', 'a', 'tokenized', 'document']] >>> document_labels = ['document_label'] >>> path = 'tmp' >>> save_tokenized_corpus(tokenized_corpus, document_labels, path) >>> with open(os.path.join(path, '*.txt'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: ... print( "this is a tokenized document" """
""" Saves a LDA model to `path`. Therefore,
**To save a MALLET model, specify the specific parameter of `mallet.create_mallet_model()`.**
Args: model (lda.LDA or gensim.model.LdaModel): Fitted LDA model. Will be saved as `lda_model.pkl`. path (str): Path to the output directory.
Returns: None
Example: >>> tokenized_corpus = [['this', 'is', 'a', 'tokenized', 'document']] >>> document_labels = ['document_label'] >>> path = 'tmp' >>> save_tokenized_corpus(tokenized_corpus, document_labels, path) >>> with open(os.path.join(path, '*.txt'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: ... print( "this is a tokenized document" """ return None
""" Shows all topics of a LDA model. For each topic, the top `num_keys` keys will be considered.
Args: tokenized_corpus (list): Tokenized corpus containing one or more iterables containing tokens. document_labels (list): Name of each `tokenized_document` in `tokenized_corpus`. path (str): Path to the output directory.
Returns: None
Example: >>> tokenized_corpus = [['this', 'is', 'a', 'tokenized', 'document']] >>> document_labels = ['document_label'] >>> path = 'tmp' >>> save_tokenized_corpus(tokenized_corpus, document_labels, path) >>> with open(os.path.join(path, '*.txt'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: ... print( "this is a tokenized document" """ if isinstance(model, lda.lda.LDA): return _show_lda_topics(document_term_matrix, model, num_keys) elif isinstance(model, GENSIM): return _show_gensim_topics(model, num_keys) elif topic_keys_file is not None: return _show_mallet_topics(topic_keys_file, num_keys)
"""Creates doc2bow_list for gensim.
Description: With this function you can create a doc2bow_list as input for the gensim function `get_document_topics()` to show topics for each document.
Args: sparse_bow (DataFrame): DataFrame with term and term frequency by document.
Returns: List of lists containing tuples.
Example: >>> doc_labels = ['exampletext1', 'exampletext2'] >>> doc_tokens = [['test', 'corpus'], ['for', 'testing']] >>> type_dictionary = {'test': 1, 'corpus': 2, 'for': 3, 'testing': 4} >>> doc_dictionary = {'exampletext1': 1, 'exampletext2': 2} >>> sparse_bow = create_sparse_bow(doc_labels, doc_tokens, type_dictionary, doc_dictionary) >>> from gensim.models import LdaModel >>> from gensim.corpora import Dictionary >>> corpus = [['test', 'corpus'], ['for', 'testing']] >>> dictionary = Dictionary(corpus) >>> documents = [dictionary.doc2bow(document) for document in corpus] >>> model = LdaModel(corpus=documents, id2word=dictionary, iterations=1, passes=1, num_topics=1) >>> make_doc2bow_list(sparse_bow) [[(1, 1), (2, 1)], [(3, 1), (4, 1)]] """ doc2bow_list = [] for doc in sparse_bow.index.groupby(sparse_bow.index.get_level_values('doc_id')): temp = [(token, count) for token, count in zip( sparse_bow.loc[doc].index, sparse_bow.loc[doc][0])] doc2bow_list.append(temp) return doc2bow_list
"""Converts lda output to a DataFrame
Description: With this function you can convert lda output to a DataFrame, a more convenient datastructure.
Args: model: LDA model. vocab (list[str]): List of strings containing corpus vocabulary. num_keys (int): Number of top keywords for topic
Returns: DataFrame
Example: >>> import lda >>> corpus = [['test', 'corpus'], ['for', 'testing']] >>> doc_term_matrix = create_doc_term_matrix(corpus, ['doc1', 'doc2']) >>> vocab = doc_term_matrix.columns >>> model = lda.LDA(n_topics=1, n_iter=1) >>> >>> df = lda2dataframe(model, vocab, num_keys=1) >>> len(df) == 1 True """"Accessing topics from lda model ...") vocabulary = document_term_matrix.columns.tolist() topics = [] topic_word = model.topic_word_ for i, topic_dist in enumerate(topic_word): topics.append(np.array(vocabulary)[np.argsort(topic_dist)][:-num_keys-1:-1]) index = ['Topic {}'.format(n) for n in range(len(topics))] columns = ['Key {}'.format(n) for n in range(num_keys)] return pd.DataFrame(topics, index=index, columns=columns)
"""Converts gensim output to DataFrame.
Description: With this function you can convert gensim output (usually a list of tuples) to a DataFrame, a more convenient datastructure.
Args: model: Gensim LDA model. num_keys (int): Number of top keywords for topic.
Returns: DataFrame.
Example: >>> from gensim.models import LdaModel >>> from gensim.corpora import Dictionary >>> corpus = [['test', 'corpus'], ['for', 'testing']] >>> dictionary = Dictionary(corpus) >>> documents = [dictionary.doc2bow(document) for document in corpus] >>> model = LdaModel(corpus=documents, id2word=dictionary, iterations=1, passes=1, num_topics=1) >>> isinstance(gensim2dataframe(model, 4), pd.DataFrame) True """"Accessing topics from Gensim model ...") topics = [] for n, topic in model.show_topics(formatted=False): topics.append([value[0] for value in values]) index = ['Topic {}'.format(n) for n in range(len(topics))] columns = ['Key {}'.format(n) for n in range(num_keys)] return pd.DataFrame(topics, index=index, columns=columns)
"""Show topic-key-mapping.
Args: outfolder (str): Folder for Mallet output, topicsKeyFile (str): Name of Mallets' topic_key file, default "topic_keys"
#topic-model-mallet Note: FBased on DARIAH-Tutorial ->
ToDo: Prettify index
Example: >>> outfolder = "tutorial_supplementals/mallet_output" >>> df = show_topics_keys(outfolder, num_topics=10) >>> len(df) 10 """"Accessing topics from MALLET model ...") topics = [] with open(path_to_topic_keys_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: for line in file.readlines(): _, _, keys = line.split('\t') keys = keys.rstrip().split(' ') topics.append(keys) index = ['Topic {}'.format(n) for n in range(len(topics))] columns = ['Key {}'.format(n) for n in range(len(topics[0]))] return pd.DataFrame(topics, index=index, columns=columns)
index = [' '.join(keys) for keys in [topic[:3] for topic in topics.values.tolist()]] if isinstance(model, lda.lda.LDA): return _show_lda_doc_topics(document_term_matrix, model, num_keys) elif isinstance(model, GENSIM): return _show_gensim_doc_topics(model, num_keys) elif topic_keys_file is not None: return _show_mallet_doc_topics(topic_keys_file, num_keys)
"""Creates a doc_topic_matrix for lda output.
Description: With this function you can convert lda output to a DataFrame, a more convenient datastructure. Use 'lda2DataFrame()' to get topics.
Args: model: Gensim LDA model. topics: DataFrame. doc_labels (list[str]): List of doc labels as string.
Returns: DataFrame
Example: >>> import lda >>> corpus = [['test', 'corpus'], ['for', 'testing']] >>> doc_term_matrix = create_doc_term_matrix(corpus, ['doc1', 'doc2']) >>> vocab = doc_term_matrix.columns >>> model = lda.LDA(n_topics=1, n_iter=1) >>> >>> topics = lda2dataframe(model, vocab) >>> doc_topic = lda_doc_topic(model, vocab, ['doc1', 'doc2']) >>> len(doc_topic.T) == 2 True """
return pd.DataFrame(model.doc_topic_, index=index, columns=document_labels).T
"""Collects data into fixed-length chunks or blocks.
Args: n (int): Length of chunks or blocks iterable (object): Iterable object fillvalue (boolean): If iterable can not be devided into evenly-sized chunks fill chunks with value.
Returns: n-sized chunks
args=[iter(iterable)] * n return itertools.zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)
"""Shows document-topic-mapping. Args: outfolder (str): Folder for MALLET output. doc_topics (str): Name of MALLET's doc_topic file. Defaults to 'doc_topics.txt'. topic_keys (str): Name of MALLET's topic_keys file. Defaults to 'topic_keys.txt'.
ToDo: Prettify docnames
Example: >>> outfolder = "tutorial_supplementals/mallet_output" >>> df = show_doc_topic_matrix(outfolder) >>> len(df.T) 17 """ doc_topics_triples = [] document_labels = [] topics = [] with open(doc_topics_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: for line in file: l = line.lstrip() if l.startswith('#'): lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: documet_number, document_label, *values = line.rstrip().split('\t') document_labels.append(document_label) for topic, share in _grouper(2, values): triple = (document_label, int(topic), float(share)) topics.append(int(topic)) doc_topics_triples.append(triple) else: easy_file_format = True break
if easy_file_format: new_index = [] doc_topics = pd.read_csv(doc_topics_file, sep='\t', names=document_labels) for eins, zwei in doc_topic_matrix.index: new_index.append(os.path.basename(zwei)) doc_topics.index = new_index else: doc_topics_triples = sorted(doc_topics_triples, key=operator.itemgetter(0, 1)) document_labels = sorted(document_labels) num_documents = len(document_labels) num_topics = len(topics) doc_topics = np.zeros((num_docs, num_topics))
for triple in doc_topics_triples: document_label, topic, share = triple index_num = document_labels.index(document_label) doc_topics[index_num, topic] = share return pd.DataFrame(document_topics, index=index, columns=columns.T)
# Adapted from code by Stefan Pernes """Creates a document-topic-matrix.
Description: With this function you can create a doc-topic-maxtrix for gensim output.
Args: corpus (mmCorpus): Gensim corpus. model: Gensim LDA model doc_labels (list): List of document labels.
Returns: Doc_topic-matrix as DataFrame
Example: >>> import gensim >>> corpus = [[(1, 0.5)], []] >>> gensim.corpora.MmCorpus.serialize('/tmp/', corpus) >>> mm = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus('/tmp/') >>> type2id = {0 : "test", 1 : "corpus"} >>> doc_labels = ['doc1', 'doc2'] >>> model = gensim.models.LdaModel(corpus=mm, id2word=type2id, num_topics=1) >>> doc_topic = visualization.create_doc_topic(corpus, model, doc_labels) >>> len(doc_topic.T) == 2 >>> True """ num_topics = model.num_topics num_documents = len(document_labels) document_topics = np.zeros((no_of_topics, no_of_docs))
for document, i in zip(corpus, range(no_of_docs)): topic_dist = model.get_document_topics(docuent) for topic in topic_dist: document_topics[topic[0]][i] = topic[1]
return pd.DataFrame(doc_topic, index=index, columns=document_labels)
"""Read Mallet word_weigths file
Description: Reads Mallet word_weigths into pandas DataFrame.
Args: word_weigts_file: Word_weights_file created with Mallet
Returns: Pandas DataFrame
""" word_weights = pd.read_table(word_weights_file, header=None, sep='\t') return word_weights.sort(columns=[0,2], axis=0, ascending=[True, False]).groupby(0) |