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""" Visualizing the Output of LDA Models ************************************
Functions and classes of this module are for visualizing LDA models. This is, \ except one function (:func:`plot_wordcloud`), based on the document-topics \ distribution DataFrame.
Contents ******** * :func:`plot_wordcloud` plots the top ``n`` words for a specific topic. \ The higher their weight, the bigger the word. * :clas:`PlotDocumentTopics` is basically the core of this module. Construct \ this class, if you want to plot the content of the document-topics DataFrame. * :meth:`static_heatmap` plots a static, :module:`matplotlib`-based heatmap of \ the document-topics distribution. * :meth:`interactive_heatmap` plots an interactive, :module:`bokeh`-based \ heatmap of the document-topics distribution. * :meth:`static_barchart_per_topic` plots a static, :module:`matplotlib`-based \ barchart of the document proportions for a specific topic. * :meth:`interactive_barchart_per_topic` plots an interactive, :module:`bokeh`-based \ barchart of the document proportions for a specific topic. * :meth:`static_barchart_per_document` plots a static, :module:`matplotlib`-based \ barchart of the topic proportions for a specific document. * :meth:`interactive_barchart_per_document` plots an interactive, :module:`bokeh`-based \ barchart of the topic proportions for a specific document. * :meth:`topic_over_time` plots a static, :module:`matplotlib`-based \ line diagram of the development of a topic over time, based on metadata. * :meth:`to_file` saves either a :module:`matplotlib` or a :module:`bokeh` figure \ object to disk.
ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, LinearColorMapper, BasicTicker, ColorBar )
""" Class to visualize document-topic matrix. """ self.document_topics = document_topics
labels_fontsize=13, cmap='Blues', ticks_fontsize=12, xlabel='Document', ylabel='Topic', xticks_bottom=0.1, xticks_rotation=50, xticks_ha='right', colorbar=False): """Plots a static heatmap.
Args: figsize (tuple), optional: Size of the figure in inches. Defaults to ``(1000 / 96, 500 / 96)``. dpi (int), optional: Dots per inch. Defaults to None. labels_fontsize (int), optional: Fontsize of the figure labels. Defaults to 13. cmap (str), optional: Colormap for the figure. Defaults to ``Blues``. ticks_fontsize (int), optional: Fontsize of axis ticks. Defaults to 12. xlabel (str), optional: Label of x-axis. Defaults to ``Document``. ylabel (str), optional: Label of y-axis. Defaults to ``Topic``. xticks_bottom (str), optional: Distance to bottom of x-ticks. Defaults to 0.1. xticks_rotation (int), optional: Rotation degree of x-ticks. Defaults to 50. xticks_ha (str), optional: The horizontal alignment of the x-tick labels. Defaulst to ``right``. colorbar (bool), optional: If True, include colorbar. Defaults to True.
Returns: Figure object. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) heatmap = ax.pcolor(self.document_topics, cmap=cmap) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=labels_fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=labels_fontsize) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(self.document_topics.shape[1]) + 0.5) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(self.document_topics.shape[0]) + 0.5) ax.set_xticklabels(list(self.document_topics.columns), fontsize=ticks_fontsize) ax.set_yticklabels(list(self.document_topics.index), fontsize=ticks_fontsize) fig.autofmt_xdate(bottom=xticks_bottom, rotation=xticks_rotation, ha=xticks_ha) if colorbar: cax = ax.imshow(self.document_topics, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, ticks=np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)) return fig
edgecolor=None, linewidth=None, alpha=None, labels_fontsize=15, ticks_fontsize=14, title=True, title_fontsize=17, dpi=None, transpose_data=False): """Plots a static barchart.
Args: index Union(int, str): Index of document-topics matrix column or name of column. describer (str): Describer of what the plot shows, e.g. either document or topic. title (bool), optional: If True, figure will have a title in the format ``describer: index``. title_fontsize (int), optional: Fontsize of figure title. transpose_data (bool): If True. document-topics matrix will be transposed. Defaults to False. color (str), optional: Color of the bins. Defaults to ``#053967``. edgecolor (str), optional: Color of the bin edges. Defaults to None. lindewidth (float), optional: Width of bin lines. Defaults to None. alpha (float): Alpha value used for blending. Defaults to None. figsize (tuple), optional: Size of the figure in inches. Defaults to ``(1000 / 96, 500 / 96)``. dpi (int), optional: Dots per inch. Defaults to None. labels_fontsize (int), optional: Fontsize of the figure labels. Defaults to 15. ticks_fontsize (int), optional: Fontsize of axis ticks. Defaults to 14.
Returns: Figure object. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) if isinstance(index, int): if transpose_data: proportions = self.document_topics.T.iloc[index] else: proportions = self.document_topics.iloc[index] if title: plot_title = '{0}: {1}'.format(describer, ax.set_title(plot_title, fontsize=title_fontsize) elif isinstance(index, str): if transpose: proportions = self.document_topics.T.loc[index] else: proportions = self.document_topics.loc[index] if title: plot_title = '{}: {}'.format(describer, index) ax.set_title(plot_title, fontsize=title_fontsize) else: raise ValueError("{} must be int or str.".format(index))
y_axis = np.arange(len(proportions)) x_axis = proportions y_ticks_labels = proportions.index ax.barh(y_axis, x_axis, color=color, edgecolor=edgecolor, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha) ax.set_xlabel('Proportion', fontsize=labels_fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(describer, fontsize=labels_fontsize) ax.set_yticks(y_axis) ax.set_yticklabels(y_ticks_labels, fontsize=ticks_fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=ticks_fontsize) return fig
"""Plots a static barchart per topic.
Args: index Union(int, str): Index of document-topics matrix column or name of column. describer (str): Describer of what the plot shows, e.g. either document or topic. title (bool), optional: If True, figure will have a title in the format ``describer: index``. title_fontsize (int), optional: Fontsize of figure title. transpose_data (bool): If True. document-topics matrix will be transposed. Defaults to False. color (str), optional: Color of the bins. Defaults to ``#053967``. edgecolor (str), optional: Color of the bin edges. Defaults to None. lindewidth (float), optional: Width of bin lines. Defaults to None. alpha (float): Alpha value used for blending. Defaults to None. figsize (tuple), optional: Size of the figure in inches. Defaults to ``(1000 / 96, 500 / 96)``. dpi (int), optional: Dots per inch. Defaults to None. labels_fontsize (int), optional: Fontsize of the figure labels. Defaults to 15. ticks_fontsize (int), optional: Fontsize of axis ticks. Defaults to 14.
Returns: Figure object. """ return self.__static_barchart(**kwargs)
"""Plots a static barchart per document.
Args: index Union(int, str): Index of document-topics matrix column or name of column. describer (str): Describer of what the plot shows, e.g. either document or topic. title (bool), optional: If True, figure will have a title in the format ``describer: index``. title_fontsize (int), optional: Fontsize of figure title. transpose_data (bool): If True. document-topics matrix will be transposed. Defaults to False. color (str), optional: Color of the bins. Defaults to ``#053967``. edgecolor (str), optional: Color of the bin edges. Defaults to None. lindewidth (float), optional: Width of bin lines. Defaults to None. alpha (float): Alpha value used for blending. Defaults to None. figsize (tuple), optional: Size of the figure in inches. Defaults to ``(1000 / 96, 500 / 96)``. dpi (int), optional: Dots per inch. Defaults to None. labels_fontsize (int), optional: Fontsize of the figure labels. Defaults to 15. ticks_fontsize (int), optional: Fontsize of axis ticks. Defaults to 14.
Returns: Figure object. """ return self.__static_barchart(transpose_data=True, **kwargs)
tools='hover, pan, reset, save, wheel_zoom, zoom_in, zoom_out', width=1000, height=550, x_axis_location='below', toolbar_location='above', sizing_mode='fixed', line_color=None, grid_line_color=None, axis_line_color=None, major_tick_line_color=None, major_label_text_font_size='9pt', major_label_standoff=0, major_label_orientation=3.14/3, colorbar=True): """Plots an interactive heatmap.
Args: palette (list), optional: A list of color values. Defaults to ``palettes.Blues[9]``. reverse_palette (bool), optional: If True, color values of ``palette`` will be reversed. Defaults to True. tools (str), optional: Tools, which will be includeded. Defaults to ``hover, pan, reset, save, wheel_zoom, zoom_in, zoom_out``. width (int), optional: Width of the figure. Defaults to 1000. height (int), optional: Height of the figure. Defaults to 550. x_axis_location (str), optional: Location of the x-axis. Defaults to ``below``. toolbar_location (str), optional: Location of the toolbar. Defaults to ``above``. sizing_mode (str), optional: Size fixed or width oriented. Defaults to ``fixed``. line_color (str): Color for lines. Defaults to None. grid_line_color (str): Color for grid lines. Defaults to None. axis_line_color (str): Color for axis lines. Defaults to None. major_tick_line_color (str): Color for major tick lines. Defaults to None. major_label_text_font_size (str): Font size for major label text. Defaults to ``9pt``. major_label_standoff (int): Standoff for major labels. Defaults to 0. major_label_orientation (float): Orientation for major labels. Defaults to ``3.14 / 3``. colorbar (bool): If True, colorbar will be included.
Returns: Figure object. """ if reverse_palette: palette = list(reversed(palette))
x_range = list(self.document_topics.columns) y_range = list(self.document_topics.index)
stacked_data = pd.DataFrame(self.document_topics.stack()).reset_index() stacked_data.columns = ['Topics', 'Documents', 'Distributions'] mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=palette, low=stacked_data.Distributions.min(), high=stacked_data.Distributions.max()) source = ColumnDataSource(stacked_data)
fig = figure(x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, x_axis_location=x_axis_location, plot_width=width, plot_height=height, tools=tools, toolbar_location=toolbar_location, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, logo=None) fig.rect(x='Documents', y='Topics', source=source, width=1, height=1, fill_color={'field': 'Distributions', 'transform': mapper}, line_color=line_color)
fig.grid.grid_line_color = grid_line_color fig.axis.axis_line_color = axis_line_color fig.axis.major_tick_line_color = major_tick_line_color fig.axis.major_label_text_font_size = major_label_text_font_size fig.axis.major_label_standoff = major_label_standoff fig.xaxis.major_label_orientation = major_label_orientation
if 'hover' in tools: fig.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [('x-Axis', '@Documents'), ('y-Axis', '@Topics'), ('Score', '@Distributions')]
if colorbar: feature = ColorBar(color_mapper=mapper, major_label_text_font_size=major_label_text_font_size, ticker=BasicTicker(desired_num_ticks=len(palette)), label_standoff=6, border_line_color=None, location=(0, 0)) fig.add_layout(feature, 'right') return fig
width=1000, height=400, toolbar_location='above', sizing_mode='fixed', line_color=None, grid_line_color=None, axis_line_color=None, major_tick_line_color=None, major_label_text_font_size='9pt', major_label_standoff=0, title=True, bin_height=0.5, transpose_data=False, bar_color='#053967'): """Plots an interactive barchart.
Args: index Union(int, str): Index of document-topics matrix column or name of column. describer (str): Describer of what the plot shows, e.g. either document or topic. bar_color (str), optional: Color of bars. Defaults to ``#053967``. transpose_data (bool): If True. document-topics matrix will be transposed. Defaults to False. title (bool), optional: If True, figure will have a title in the format ``describer: index``. tools (str), optional: Tools, which will be includeded. Defaults to ``hover, pan, reset, save, wheel_zoom, zoom_in, zoom_out``. width (int), optional: Width of the figure. Defaults to 1000. height (int), optional: Height of the figure. Defaults to 400. x_axis_location (str), optional: Location of the x-axis. Defaults to ``below``. toolbar_location (str), optional: Location of the toolbar. Defaults to ``above``. sizing_mode (str), optional: Size fixed or width oriented. Defaults to ``fixed``. line_color (str): Color for lines. Defaults to None. grid_line_color (str): Color for grid lines. Defaults to None. axis_line_color (str): Color for axis lines. Defaults to None. major_tick_line_color (str): Color for major tick lines. Defaults to None. major_label_text_font_size (str): Font size for major label text. Defaults to ``9pt``. major_label_standoff (int): Standoff for major labels. Defaults to 0.
Returns: Figure object. """ if isinstance(index, int): if transpose_data: proportions = self.document_topics.T.iloc[index] else: proportions = self.document_topics.iloc[index] if title: plot_title = '{}: {}'.format(describer, elif isinstance(index, str): if transpose_data: proportions = self.document_topics.T.loc[index] else: proportions = self.document_topics.loc[index] if title: plot_title = '{}: {}'.format(describer, index) else: raise ValueError("{} must be int or str.".format(index))
x_axis = proportions y_range = list(proportions.index)
source = ColumnDataSource(dict(Describer=y_range, Proportion=x_axis))
fig = figure(y_range=y_range, title=plot_title, plot_width=width, plot_height=height, tools=tools, toolbar_location=toolbar_location, sizing_mode=sizing_mode, logo=None) fig.hbar(y='Describer', right='Proportion', height=bin_height, source=source, line_color=line_color, color=bar_color)
fig.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig.x_range.start = 0 fig.grid.grid_line_color = grid_line_color fig.axis.axis_line_color = axis_line_color fig.axis.major_tick_line_color = major_tick_line_color fig.axis.major_label_text_font_size = major_label_text_font_size fig.axis.major_label_standoff = major_label_standoff
if 'hover' in tools: fig.select_one(HoverTool).tooltips = [('Proportion', '@Proportion')] return fig
"""Plots an interactive barchart per topic.
Args: index Union(int, str): Index of document-topics matrix column or name of column. describer (str): Describer of what the plot shows, e.g. either document or topic. bar_color (str), optional: Color of bars. Defaults to ``#053967``. transpose_data (bool): If True. document-topics matrix will be transposed. Defaults to False. title (bool), optional: If True, figure will have a title in the format ``describer: index``. tools (str), optional: Tools, which will be includeded. Defaults to ``hover, pan, reset, save, wheel_zoom, zoom_in, zoom_out``. width (int), optional: Width of the figure. Defaults to 1000. height (int), optional: Height of the figure. Defaults to 400. x_axis_location (str), optional: Location of the x-axis. Defaults to ``below``. toolbar_location (str), optional: Location of the toolbar. Defaults to ``above``. sizing_mode (str), optional: Size fixed or width oriented. Defaults to ``fixed``. line_color (str): Color for lines. Defaults to None. grid_line_color (str): Color for grid lines. Defaults to None. axis_line_color (str): Color for axis lines. Defaults to None. major_tick_line_color (str): Color for major tick lines. Defaults to None. major_label_text_font_size (str): Font size for major label text. Defaults to ``9pt``. major_label_standoff (int): Standoff for major labels. Defaults to 0.
Returns: Figure object. """ return self.__interactive_barchart(**kwargs)
"""Plots an interactive barchart per document.
Args: index Union(int, str): Index of document-topics matrix column or name of column. describer (str): Describer of what the plot shows, e.g. either document or topic. bar_color (str), optional: Color of bars. Defaults to ``#053967``. transpose_data (bool): If True. document-topics matrix will be transposed. Defaults to False. title (bool), optional: If True, figure will have a title in the format ``describer: index``. tools (str), optional: Tools, which will be includeded. Defaults to ``hover, pan, reset, save, wheel_zoom, zoom_in, zoom_out``. width (int), optional: Width of the figure. Defaults to 1000. height (int), optional: Height of the figure. Defaults to 400. x_axis_location (str), optional: Location of the x-axis. Defaults to ``below``. toolbar_location (str), optional: Location of the toolbar. Defaults to ``above``. sizing_mode (str), optional: Size fixed or width oriented. Defaults to ``fixed``. line_color (str): Color for lines. Defaults to None. grid_line_color (str): Color for grid lines. Defaults to None. axis_line_color (str): Color for axis lines. Defaults to None. major_tick_line_color (str): Color for major tick lines. Defaults to None. major_label_text_font_size (str): Font size for major label text. Defaults to ``9pt``. major_label_standoff (int): Standoff for major labels. Defaults to 0.
Returns: Figure object. """ return self.__interactive_barchart(transpose_data=True, **kwargs)
"""Creates a visualization that shows topics over time.
Description: With this function you can plot topics over time using metadata stored in the documents name. Only works with mallet output.
Args: metadata_df(pd.Dataframe()): metadata created by metadata_toolbox threshold(float): threshold set to define if a topic in a document is viable starttime(int): sets starting point for visualization endtime(int): sets ending point for visualization
Returns: matplotlib plot
Note: this function is created for a corpus with filenames that looks like: 1866_ArticleName.txt
ToDo: make it compatible with gensim output Doctest
""" years = list(range(starttime, endtime))
for topiclabel in self.document_topics.index.values: topic_over_threshold_per_year = [] mask = self.document_topics.loc[topiclabel] > threshold df = self.document_topics.loc[topiclabel].loc[mask] cnt = Counter() for filtered_topiclabel in df.index.values: year = metadata_df.loc[filtered_topiclabel, 'year'] print(year) cnt[year] += 1 for year in years: topic_over_threshold_per_year.append(cnt[str(year)]) plt.plot(years, topic_over_threshold_per_year, label=topiclabel)
plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('count topics over threshold') plt.legend() # fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 16)) return plt.gcf().set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)
def to_file(fig, filename): """Saves a figure object to file.
Args: fig Union(bokeh.figure, matplotlib.figure): Figure produced by either bokeh or matplotlib. filename (str): Name of the file with an extension, e.g. ``plot.png``.
Returns: None. """ import matplotlib import bokeh if isinstance(fig, bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure): ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if ext == '.png': export_png(fig, filename) elif ext == '.svg': fig.output_backend = 'svg' export_svgs(fig, filename) elif ext == '.html': output_file(filename) elif isinstance(fig, matplotlib.figure.Figure): fig.savefig(filename) return None