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""" Trains an LDA topic model and writes logging to a file. """ filepath = str(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "topicmodeling.log")) handler = logging.FileHandler(filepath, "w") lda_log = logging.getLogger("lda") lda_log.setLevel(logging.INFO) lda_log.addHandler(handler) model = lda.LDA(n_topics=n_topics, n_iter=n_iter) with open(filepath, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("DONE") logging.shutdown() return model
""" Collects the user input, preprocesses the corpus, trains the LDA model, creates visualizations, and dumps generated data. """ "num_topics": int(flask.request.form["num_topics"]), "num_iterations": int(flask.request.form["num_iterations"])} complete = (18 + len(user_input["files"]) + (user_input["num_iterations"]))
progress += 1 if flask.request.files.get("stopword_list", None): yield "running", "Collecting external stopwords list ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" user_input["stopwords"] = flask.request.files["stopword_list"] else: yield "running", "Collecting threshold for stopwords ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" user_input["mfw"] = int(flask.request.form["mfw_threshold"])
parameter = pd.Series() parameter["Corpus size, in documents"] = len(user_input["files"]) parameter["Corpus size (raw), in tokens"] = 0
if len(user_input["files"]) < 5: raise Exception("Your corpus is too small. Please select at least five text files.")
progress += 1 yield "running", "Reading and tokenizing corpus ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" tokenized_corpus = pd.Series() for file in user_input["files"]: filename = pathlib.Path(werkzeug.utils.secure_filename(file.filename)) progress += 1 yield "running", "Reading {0} ...".format(filename.stem[:20]), progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" text ="utf-8") if filename.suffix != ".txt": yield "running", "Removing markup from text ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" text = application.utils.remove_markup(text) yield "running", "Tokenizing {0} ...".format(filename.stem[:20]), progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" tokens = list(dariah_topics.preprocessing.tokenize(text)) tokenized_corpus[filename.stem] = tokens parameter["Corpus size (raw), in tokens"] += len(tokens)
text = text.replace("\n", " ") text = text.replace("\r", " ") text = text.replace("\'", "") text = text.replace("\"", "") token_int = random.randint(0, len(text) - 351) try: excerpt = "...{}...".format(text[token_int:token_int + 350]) except IndexError: excerpt = ""
progress += 1 yield "running", "Creating document-term matrix ...", progress / complete * 100, excerpt, "", "", "", "" document_labels = tokenized_corpus.index document_term_matrix = dariah_topics.preprocessing.create_document_term_matrix(tokenized_corpus, document_labels)
progress += 1 yield "running", "Determining corpus statistics ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" group = ["Document size (raw)" for i in range(parameter["Corpus size, in documents"])] corpus_stats = pd.DataFrame({"score": np.array(document_term_matrix.sum(axis=1)), "group": group})
corpus_size = str(len(user_input["files"])) token_size = str(parameter["Corpus size (raw), in tokens"]) topic_size = str(user_input["num_topics"]) iteration_size = str(user_input["num_iterations"])
try: yield "running", "Determining {0} most frequent words ...".format(user_input["mfw"]), progress / complete * 100, "", corpus_size, token_size, topic_size, iteration_size stopwords = dariah_topics.preprocessing.find_stopwords(document_term_matrix, user_input["mfw"]) cleaning = "removed the <b>{0} most frequent words</b>, based on a threshold value".format(user_input["mfw"]) except KeyError: yield "running", "Reading external stopwords list ...", progress / complete * 100, "", corpus_size, token_size, topic_size, iteration_size stopwords = user_input["stopwords"].read().decode("utf-8") stopwords = list(dariah_topics.preprocessing.tokenize(stopwords)) cleaning = "removed <b>{0} words</b>, based on an external stopwords list".format(len(stopwords))
progress += 1 yield "running", "Determining hapax legomena ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" hapax_legomena = dariah_topics.preprocessing.find_hapax_legomena(document_term_matrix) features = set(stopwords).union(hapax_legomena) features = [token for token in features if token in document_term_matrix.columns] yield "running", "Removing a total of {0} words from your corpus ...".format(len(features)), progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" document_term_matrix = document_term_matrix.drop(features, axis=1)
progress += 1 yield "running", "Determining corpus statistics ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" group = ["Document size (clean)" for n in range(parameter["Corpus size, in documents"])] corpus_stats = corpus_stats.append(pd.DataFrame({"score": np.array(document_term_matrix.sum(axis=1)), "group": group})) parameter["Corpus size (clean), in tokens"] = int(document_term_matrix.values.sum())
progress += 1 yield "running", "Accessing document-term matrix ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" document_term_arr = document_term_matrix.values.astype(int) progress += 1 yield "running", "Accessing vocabulary of the corpus ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" vocabulary = document_term_matrix.columns
parameter["Size of vocabulary, in tokens"] = len(vocabulary) parameter["Number of topics"] = user_input["num_topics"] parameter["Number of iterations"] = user_input["num_iterations"]
progress += 1 yield "running", "Initializing LDA topic model ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" model = application.utils.enthread(target=lda_modeling, args=(document_term_arr, user_input["num_topics"], user_input["num_iterations"], tempdir)) while True: # During modeling the logfile is read continuously and the newest # line is sent to the UI as information for the user: i, msg = application.utils.read_logfile(str(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "topicmodeling.log")), total_iterations=iteration_size) if msg == None: # When modeling is done, get the model: model = model.get() break else: yield "running", msg, (progress + int(i)) / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", ""
progress += user_input["num_iterations"] + 1 yield "running", "Determining model log-likelihood ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" parameter["The model log-likelihood"] = round(model.loglikelihood())
progress += 1 yield "running", "Accessing topics ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" topics = dariah_topics.postprocessing.show_topics(model=model, vocabulary=vocabulary, num_keys=8) topics.columns = ["Key {0}".format(i) for i in range(1, 9)] topics.index = ["Topic {0}".format(i) for i in range(1, user_input["num_topics"] + 1)]
progress += 1 yield "running", "Accessing distributions ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" document_topics = dariah_topics.postprocessing.show_document_topics(model=model, topics=topics, document_labels=document_labels)
progress += 1 yield "running", "Creating visualizations ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" if document_topics.shape[0] < document_topics.shape[1]: if document_topics.shape[1] < 20: height = 20 * 28 else: height = document_topics.shape[1] * 28 document_topics_heatmap = document_topics.T else: if document_topics.shape[0] < 20: height = 20 * 28 else: height = document_topics.shape[0] * 28 document_topics_heatmap = document_topics
progress += 1 yield "running", "Creating heatmap ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" fig = dariah_topics.visualization.PlotDocumentTopics(document_topics_heatmap) heatmap = fig.interactive_heatmap(height=height, sizing_mode="scale_width", tools="hover, pan, reset, wheel_zoom, zoom_in, zoom_out") bokeh.plotting.output_file(str(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "heatmap.html")))
heatmap_script, heatmap_div = bokeh.embed.components(heatmap)
progress += 1 yield "running", "Creating boxplot ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" corpus_boxplot = application.utils.boxplot(corpus_stats) corpus_boxplot_script, corpus_boxplot_div = bokeh.embed.components(corpus_boxplot) bokeh.plotting.output_file(str(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "corpus_statistics.html")))
if document_topics.shape[1] < 15: height = 580 else: height = document_topics.shape[1] * 25
progress += 1 yield "running", "Creating barcharts ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" topics_barchart = application.utils.barchart(document_topics, height=height, topics=topics) topics_script, topics_div = bokeh.embed.components(topics_barchart) bokeh.plotting.output_file(str(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "topics_barchart.html")))
if document_topics.shape[0] < 15: height = 580 else: height = document_topics.shape[0] * 25 documents_barchart = application.utils.barchart(document_topics.T, height=height) documents_script, documents_div = bokeh.embed.components(documents_barchart) bokeh.plotting.output_file(str(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "document_topics_barchart.html")))
end = time.time() passed_time = round((end - start) / 60)
if passed_time == 0: parameter["Passed time, in seconds"] = round(end - start) else: parameter["Passed time, in minutes"] = passed_time
progress += 1 yield "running", "Dumping generated data ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" parameter = pd.DataFrame(pd.Series(parameter)) topics.to_csv(str(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "topics.csv")), encoding="utf-8", sep=";") document_topics.to_csv(str(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "document_topics.csv")), encoding="utf-8", sep=";") parameter.to_csv(str(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "parameter.csv")), encoding="utf-8", sep=";")
progress += 1 yield "running", "Zipping generated data ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" archive = str(pathlib.Path(archive_dir, "topicmodeling")) shutil.make_archive(archive, "zip", tempdir)
data = {"cleaning": cleaning, "bokeh_resources": "include", "heatmap_script": heatmap_script, "heatmap_div": heatmap_div, "topics_script": topics_script, "topics_div": topics_div, "documents_script": documents_script, "documents_div": documents_div, "corpus_boxplot_script": corpus_boxplot_script, "corpus_boxplot_div": corpus_boxplot_div, "first_topic": list(document_topics.index)[0], "first_document": list(document_topics.columns)[0]}
progress = complete yield "running", "Building results page ...", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" application.utils.compress(data, str(pathlib.Path(tempdir, "data.pickle"))) yield "done", "", progress / complete * 100, "", "", "", "", "" message = "There must be something wrong in one or more of your text files. "\ "Maybe not encoded in UTF-8? Or, maybe an unsupported file format? "\ "You can use only plain text and XML." yield "error", message, "", "", "", "", "", "" |