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import pathlib import sqlite3 import logging import datetime import tempfile from xml.etree import ElementTree
import flask import cophi import numpy as np from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
TEMPDIR = tempfile.gettempdir() DATABASE_URI = str(pathlib.Path(TEMPDIR, "topicsexplorer.db")) LOGFILE = str(pathlib.Path(TEMPDIR, "topicsexplorer.log"))
def init_logging(level=logging.DEBUG): # Set up basic configuration: logging.basicConfig(level=level, format="%(message)s", filename=LOGFILE, filemode="w") # Ignore messages from flask and werkzeug: logging.getLogger("flask").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("werkzeug").setLevel(logging.ERROR)
def get_status(): # Open logfile: with pathlib.Path(LOGFILE).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as logfile: # Read lines: messages = logfile.readlines() # Select and strip the last one: message = messages[-1].strip() # Format the log message: message = format_logging(message) # Get current time: now ="%H:%M:%S") return f"{now}<br>{message}"
def format_logging(message): if "n_documents" in message: n = message.split("n_documents: ")[1] return f"Number of documents: {n}." elif "vocab_size" in message: n = message.split("vocab_size: ")[1] return f"Number of types: {n}." elif "n_words" in message: n = message.split("n_words: ")[1] return f"Number of tokens: {n}." elif "n_topics" in message: n = message.split("n_topics: ")[1] return f"Number of topics: {n}." elif "n_iter" in message: # Logging might freeze at this point, # so better log something like this: return "Initializing topic model." elif "log likelihood" in message: iteration, log_likelihood = message.split("> log likelihood: ") return f"Iteration {iteration[1:]}, log-likelihood: {log_likelihood}." else: return message
def get_db(): """Establish connection to database. """ if "db" not in flask.g: # Establish connection to pointed URI: flask.g.db = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_URI) return flask.g.db
def close_db(e=None): """Close connection to database. """ # Check if a connection was created: db = flask.g.pop("db", None) if db is not None: # Close connection if exists: db.close()
def init_db(app): """Initialize database and create tables. """ db = get_db() with app.open_resource("schema.sql") as schemafile: schema ="utf-8") db.executescript(schema) db.commit() close_db()
def get_data(corpus, topics, iterations, stopwords, mfw): """Get input data. """"Fetching corpus and parameters...") # Get text files, number of topics and number of iterations: data = {"corpus": flask.request.files.getlist("corpus"), "topics": int(flask.request.form["topics"]), "iterations": int(flask.request.form["iterations"])} # Get stopword list, if user selected one: if flask.request.files.get("stopwords", None):"Fetching external stopwords list...") data["stopwords"] = flask.request.files["stopwords"] # Use most frequent words threshold otherwise: else:"Fetching threshold value for most frequent words...") data["mfw"] = int(flask.request.form["mfw"]) return data
def insert_into_textfiles(values): """Insert text files into table. """"Connecting to database...") # Connect to database: db = get_db() # Insert values into table: for textfile in values: # Get title and text: title, text = load_textfile(textfile)"Loading '{title}'...") # Execute SQL: db.execute(""" INSERT INTO textfiles (title, text) VALUES(?, ?); """, [title, text])"Committing to database...") db.commit()"Closing connection to database...") close_db()
def select_textfiles(): cursor = get_db().cursor() return cursor.execute(""" SELECT title, text FROM textfiles; """)
def get_documents(textfiles): for textfile in textfiles: title, text = textfile yield cophi.model.Document(text, title)
def load_textfile(textfile): """Load textfile and get title. """ # Get filename: filename = pathlib.Path(secure_filename(textfile.filename)) # Get title: title = filename.stem # Get file extension: suffix = filename.suffix # Read file: text ="utf-8") # If suffix implies any markup, remove it: if suffix in {".xml", ".html"}:"Removing markup...") text = remove_markup(text) return title, text
def remove_markup(text): """Parse string and remove markup. """ tree = ElementTree.fromstring(text) plaintext = ElementTree.tostring(tree, encoding="utf8", method="text") return plaintext.decode("utf-8")
def get_stopwords(data, corpus): if "stopwords" in data: _, stopwords = load_textfile(data["stopwords"]) stopwords = stopwords.split("\n") else: stopwords = corpus.mfw(data["mfw"]) return stopwords
def preprocess(data):"Querying corpus from database...") # Query text files: textfiles = select_textfiles()"Constructing document objetcs...") # Get cophi.model.Document object: documents = get_documents(textfiles)"Constructing corpus object...") # Create cophi.model.Corpus object: corpus = cophi.model.Corpus(documents)"Fetching stopwords...") # Get stopwords: stopwords = get_stopwords(data, corpus)"Fetching hapax legomena...") # Get hapax legomena: hapax = corpus.hapax # Join both lists: features = set(stopwords).union(set(hapax))"Cleaning corpus...") # Clean document-term matrix: dtm = corpus.drop(corpus.dtm, features) # Get sizes: sizes = corpus.num_tokens # Convert to a NumPy array and return: return dtm.values, dtm.columns, dtm.index, sizes.values
def get_topics(model, vocabulary, maximum=100): for i, distribution in enumerate(model.topic_word_): yield np.array(vocabulary)[np.argsort(distribution)][:-maximum-1:-1]
def get_similarities(matrix): d = matrix.T @ matrix norm = (matrix * matrix).sum(0, keepdims=True) ** .5 return d / norm / norm.T
def normalize(matrix, sizes): # Multiply weights with word frequencies: matrix = matrix * sizes.sum() # Normalize with text lengths: return matrix / sizes
def scale(vector): return np.interp(vector, (vector.min(), vector.max()), (40, 100)) |