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import pathlib import sqlite3 import logging import json import multiprocessing import lda import datetime import tempfile from xml.etree import ElementTree
import flask import cophi import numpy as np import pandas as pd from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
import constants
def init_logging(level=logging.DEBUG): logging.basicConfig(level=level, format="%(message)s", filename=constants.LOGFILE, filemode="w") logging.getLogger("flask").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("werkzeug").setLevel(logging.ERROR)
def get_status(): logfile = pathlib.Path(constants.LOGFILE) with"r", encoding="utf-8") as logfile: messages = logfile.readlines() message = messages[-1].strip() message = format_logging(message) now ="%H:%M:%S") return "{}<br>{}".format(now, message)
def format_logging(message): if "n_documents" in message: n = message.split("n_documents: ")[1] return "Number of documents: {}.".format(n) elif "vocab_size" in message: n = message.split("vocab_size: ")[1] return "Number of types: {}.".format(n) elif "n_words" in message: n = message.split("n_words: ")[1] return "Number of tokens: {}.".format(n) elif "n_topics" in message: n = message.split("n_topics: ")[1] return "Number of topics: {}.".format(n) elif "n_iter" in message: return "Initializing topic model." elif "log likelihood" in message: iteration, likelihood = message.split("> log likelihood: ") return "Iteration {}, log-likelihood: {}.".format(iteration[1:], likelihood) else: return message
def get_db(): if "db" not in flask.g: flask.g.db = sqlite3.connect(constants.DATABASE_URI) return flask.g.db
def close_db(e=None): db = flask.g.pop("db", None) if db is not None: db.close()
def init_db(app): db = get_db() with app.open_resource("schema.sql") as schemafile: schema ="utf-8") db.executescript(schema) db.commit() close_db()
def get_data(corpus, topics, iterations, stopwords, mfw): data = {"corpus": flask.request.files.getlist("corpus"), "topics": int(flask.request.form["topics"]), "iterations": int(flask.request.form["iterations"])} if flask.request.files.get("stopwords", None): data["stopwords"] = flask.request.files["stopwords"] else: data["mfw"] = int(flask.request.form["mfw"]) return data
def insert_into_textfiles(values): db = get_db() for textfile in values: title, content = load_textfile(textfile) db.execute(""" INSERT INTO textfiles (title, content) VALUES(?, ?); """, [title, content]) db.commit() close_db()
def insert_into_model(doc_topic, topics): db = get_db() db.execute(""" INSERT INTO model (doc_topic, topics) VALUES(?, ?); """, [doc_topic, topics]) db.commit() close_db()
def select_textfiles(): cursor = get_db().cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT title, content FROM textfiles; """) return cursor.fetchall()
def select_doc_topic(): cursor = get_db().cursor() response = cursor.execute(""" SELECT doc_topic FROM model; """) return pd.read_json(response.fetchone()[0])
def select_topics(): cursor = get_db().cursor() response = cursor.execute(""" SELECT topics FROM model; """) return json.loads(response.fetchone()[0])
def select_document(title): cursor = get_db().cursor() response = cursor.execute(""" SELECT content FROM textfiles WHERE title is ?; """, [title]) return response.fetchone()[0]
def get_documents(textfiles): for textfile in textfiles: title, content = textfile yield cophi.model.Document(content, title)
def load_textfile(textfile): filename = pathlib.Path(secure_filename(textfile.filename)) title = filename.stem suffix = filename.suffix content ="utf-8") if suffix in {".xml", ".html"}: text = remove_markup(text) return title, content
def remove_markup(text): tree = ElementTree.fromstring(text) plaintext = ElementTree.tostring(tree, encoding="utf8", method="text") return plaintext.decode("utf-8")
def get_stopwords(data, corpus): if "stopwords" in data: _, stopwords = load_textfile(data["stopwords"]) stopwords = stopwords.split("\n") else: stopwords = corpus.mfw(data["mfw"]) return stopwords
def preprocess(data):"Querying corpus from database...") textfiles = select_textfiles()"Constructing document objetcs...") documents = get_documents(textfiles)"Constructing corpus object...") corpus = cophi.model.Corpus(documents)"Fetching stopwords...") stopwords = get_stopwords(data, corpus)"Fetching hapax legomena...") hapax = corpus.hapax features = set(stopwords).union(set(hapax))"Cleaning corpus...") dtm = corpus.drop(corpus.dtm, features) sizes = corpus.num_tokens return dtm.values, dtm.columns, dtm.index, sizes.values
def get_topics(model, vocabulary, maximum=100): for i, distribution in enumerate(model.topic_word_): yield list(np.array(vocabulary)[np.argsort(distribution)][:-maximum-1:-1])
def get_similarities(matrix): d = matrix.T @ matrix norm = (matrix * matrix).sum(0, keepdims=True) ** .5 return d / norm / norm.T
def normalize(matrix, sizes): return matrix * sizes
def scale(vector): return np.interp(vector, (vector.min(), vector.max()), (40, 100))
def get_topic_descriptors(topics): for topic in topics: yield ", ".join(topic[:3])
def init_app(): app = flask.Flask("topicsexplorer") global process process = multiprocessing.Process() return app, process
def workflow(): data = get_data("corpus", "topics", "iterations", "stopwords", "mfw") insert_into_textfiles(data["corpus"]) dtm, vocabulary, titles, sizes = preprocess(data) model = lda.LDA(n_topics=data["topics"], n_iter=data["iterations"]) topics = list(get_topics(model, vocabulary)) descriptors = list(get_topic_descriptors(topics)) doc_topic = get_doc_topic(model, titles, descriptors) insert_into_model(doc_topic.to_json(), json.dumps(topics))
def get_doc_topic(model, titles, descriptors): doc_topic = pd.DataFrame(model.doc_topic_) doc_topic.index = titles doc_topic.columns = descriptors return doc_topic
def get_topic_presence(): doc_topic = select_doc_topic() topic_presence = doc_topic.sum(axis=0) topic_presence = topic_presence.sort_values(ascending=False) proportions = scale(topic_presence) for topic, proportion in zip(topic_presence.index, proportions): yield topic, proportion |