default namespace = "" namespace f = "" start = ## Contains a list of text operations to create the reading text and its apparatus. element f:apparatus { App* } App = ## A single apparatus entry contains text operations to perform on the reading text ## and an apparatus note as TEI fragments that are augmented and inserted as apparatus ## notes into the text. element app { ## n-labels this applies to, separated by whitespace # attribute n { xsd:token }, # FIXME do we need this? EditCommand+, ## human-readable reference to the source. E.g. 'vor 4711' element ref { text }, ## lemma part of the apparatus entry element lem { Hand?, Wit?, AppXmlFragment? }, ## a single reading element rdg { Hand?, Wit?, ## reading type in a form like type_2aa attribute type { xsd:string { pattern = "(type_\w+\*?)(\s+type_\w+\*?)*"} }?, AppXmlFragment }* }* EditCommand = ## Operations to be performed to create the reading text ReplaceCommand | InsertOnlyCommand | LgCommand | AttrCommand | ReplaceInlineElementCommand InsLocator = ( ## the n-value of the element to reference attribute n { xsd:NMTOKEN } | ## the xml:id of the alement to reference. Should still be a line (i.e. have an n-value) attribute id { xsd:Name } ) ReplaceCommand = ## This text (plain text only) is removed from the text content ## within the element specified by n and replaced with the content ## of the matching f:ins element, surrounded by a to be ## referenced from the apparatus. element f:replace { attribute n { xsd:NMTOKEN }, text }, ## The XML fragment is inserted instead of the replaced text, surrounded by a ## . If you only need to surround the existing text with , specify ## the same text for f:replace and f:ins. element f:ins { attribute n { xsd:NMTOKEN }, XmlFragment? } ReplaceInlineElementCommand = element f:replace { attribute n { xsd:NMTOKEN }, ## Replaces the inline element with the given XML id within the respective line ## with the contents of the following f:ins and marks it as a . The contents ## of the element removed, as well, so you'll may have to re-f:ins it. attribute element-id { xsd:NMTOKEN }, empty }, element f:ins { attribute n { xsd:NMTOKEN }, XmlFragment } InsertOnlyCommand = ## Inserts the given fragment relative to the element referenced by n. element f:ins { InsLocator, attribute place { ## insert before the referenced element "before" | ## insert after the referenced element "after" | ## insert only the apparatus and link it with the element referenced by n "only-app" }, XmlFragment? } LgCommand = ## Modifies the surrounding lg element f:ins { InsLocator, attribute place { ## modify the surrounding lg's attributes "enclosing-lg" }, ## List of attribute="value" pairs to be inserted. attribute="" causes the attribute to be removed. element lg { attribute * { text }* } } AttrCommand = ## Modifies the element's attributes element f:ins { InsLocator, attribute place { ## modify the designated element's attributes "attributes" }, ## just some element element * { ## non-empty attributes will be added, empty attributes will be removed or skipped attribute * { text }+ } } XmlFragment = ## Text, may contain TEI fragments (text | element * { attribute * {text}*, XmlFragment* })+ AppXmlFragment = ## Text, may contain TEI fragments, and notes) (text | ## any comment that isn't a reference to original text element note { ( element abbr { text } | element wit { attribute wit { xsd:anyURI }, text } | element seg { attribute type { "hand" }, text } | XmlFragment )* } | element * { attribute * {text}*, XmlFragment } )+ Hand = ## hand, list should be known attribute hand { xsd:token } Wit = ## witness, i.e. machine-readable last part of URI after faust://document/faustedition/ attribute wit { xsd:token }