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Package info.textgrid.lab.core.importexport

Basic Concepts

See: Description

Package info.textgrid.lab.core.importexport Description

Basic Concepts

Importing and exporting stuff to / from TextGrid via the lab works by selecting a set of files / objects and then importing or exporting the whole set. Links within the set are taken care of using a configurable link rewriting mechanism if they don't point outside of the import set.

Code overview

The basic data model and the link rewriting is taken care of by the (not Lab specific) link rewriting library. This plugin builds an intermediate model layer in the info.textgrid.lab.core.importexport.model package. The ImportModel class also contains the code to actually perform the import and export.

There is user interface for import and export at info.textgrid.lab.core.importexport.ui.


Clients can contribute small configurators for import or export that can pre-configure the import model when a specific file / object is added to it, e.g., by configuring a rewrite method or adding additional files.

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