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  1. Removed those result views that have not been refactored to pagebook views from the perspective
  2. Refactored collation result management to handle a CollationResult. CollationResults aggregate everything known about the CR, including the CollationSet & Equivalences used for collation. This commit thus prepares the optical representation of equivalences in the results.
Revision 12702 by vitt:
Removed those result views that have not been refactored to pagebook
views from the perspective
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/lab-sites/collatex/info.textgrid.lab.collatex/src/info/textgrid/lab/collatex/ui/CollateXPerspective.javaN/A
Revision 12701 by vitt:
Refactored collation result management to handle a CollationResult.

CollationResults aggregate everything known about the CR, including the
CollationSet & Equivalences used for collation. This commit thus
prepares the optical representation of equivalences in the results.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was added/trunk/lab-sites/collatex/info.textgrid.lab.collatex/src/info/textgrid/lab/collatex/model/CollationResults.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/lab-sites/collatex/info.textgrid.lab.collatex/src/info/textgrid/lab/collatex/process/CollateJob.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/lab-sites/collatex/info.textgrid.lab.collatex/src/info/textgrid/lab/collatex/ui/parts/CollationSetEditor.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/lab-sites/collatex/info.textgrid.lab.collatex/src/info/textgrid/lab/collatex/ui/parts/GridResultPage.javaN/A