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Started 12 yr ago
Took 1 min 8 sec on wger081

#18 (Jul 2, 2012, 6:10:21 PM)

Revision: 13320
  1. Refactored parent poms to use properties for the dependencies and eclipse repositories.
    by vitt

Started by an SCM change

Module Builds

 info.textgrid.lab.annex2.3 sec
 info.textgrid.lab.cosmas1.4 sec
 info.textgrid.lab.lemmatizer.serviceclient1.1 sec
 info.textgrid.lab.lemmatizer.ui1.6 sec
 info.textgrid.lab.lexus2.5 sec
 info.textgrid.lab.linguistics0.59 sec
 linguistics4.1 sec
 linguistics-repository6.3 sec