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Started 8 yr 7 mo ago
Took 2 min 52 sec on build2

TextGrid Aggregator Service (Feb 20, 2016, 7:21:32 PM)

  1. New release cycle (details)
  2. Docs: Clarify query zip export (details)
  3. extractbody deals with nested HTMLs in a useful way. (details)
  4. Added test for embedded HTML. (details)
  5. Adjusted oxygen project to new XSL locations (details)
  6. Basic TOC infrastructure (details)
  7. TOC: Handle divs without id -> use head ids (details)
  8. TOC doc (details)
  9. Added short help link for (we are very very soon on the (details)
  10. Just changed back version :-) this IS a dev branch :-) (details)
  11. deb build (details)
  12. no version in war filename (deb package) (details)
  13. Switch textgridrep to https (details)
  14. Fix: xsl-stylesheet didn't have any practical effect. (details)
  15. deb: war > folder. (details)
  16. mc (details)
  17. Allow to use Saxon for the md2tei transformation. (details)
  18. POM cleanup (details)
  19. Bumped version number (details)
Test Result (no failures)