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  1. Don't use xlink namespace for svg:use/@href. (commit: 8ecfcc6) (details)
  2. Updated submodules (commit: 3008eea) (details)
Commit 8ecfcc67f9ae7364d751679d6394e2f99886bd24 by Thorsten Vitt
Don't use xlink namespace for svg:use/@href.
xlink:href on svg:use is deprecated, and browsers seem to have a problem
with that when the svg is included via ajax.
Fixes #14.
(commit: 8ecfcc6)
The file was modified svg_rendering/page/js-gen/transcript-svg.js (diff)
Commit 3008eea22312fa8c4b0ad9de4db5b7b8e6492bbd by Thorsten Vitt
Updated submodules
Submodule data 2063168..3f2e4d9:
>  Updated xml files Submodule src/main/web b4ecfc96..c118002e:
> Fixed #348, fixup to #331
> More apparatus formatting Submodule src/main/xproc
> Make sure we have a stored copy of the reading text
> generate-search requires the reading text ...
> Generating the reading text now requires the list of transcripts.
> Improved validation report
> Links to faust.all & formatting
> More help for errors
> Amend watermark-labels
> Utilities for selecting stuff.
> fixup! made a little more robust
> made a little more robust
> more app validation
> Put hand info inline in the apparatus
> Add a validation script for the apparatus.
> Calculate reproducable ID for app entries
> Generate list of witnesses used for reading text
> Update app2norm, hopefully fixing most errors
> Adjusted lemma parsing
> Support lg/@rend case
> fixup! Stage at end of sp after sp
> suppress "bullet3" cases in app1norm, update accordingly
> store test cases from app2norm
> Update app2norm.txt
> Merge branch 'master' of
> Add section for all non-interventions
> Merge branch 'master' of
> Update app2norm
> prevent double ^^ in app1norm.txt
> Whitespace for multiple witnesses / readings
(commit: 3008eea)
The file was modified data (diff)
The file was modified src/main/web (diff)
The file was modified src/main/xproc (diff)