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Started 11 yr ago
Took 94 ms on wger081

#58 (Oct 2, 2012, 1:37:36 PM)

Failed to determine (log)

Started by user Thorsten Vitt

Module Builds

 Tgauth Client Feature (didn’t run)
 Confclient Feature (didn’t run)
 Core Libs Feature (didn’t run)
 TgCrud Client Feature (didn’t run)
 TgRep Core Feature (didn’t run)
 Saxon HE (didn’t run)
 p2repository (didn’t run)
 Projectfile Feature (didn’t run)
 TgSearch Client Feature (didn’t run)
 TextGridLab Dependencies (didn’t run)
 Saxon TextGridLab feature (didn’t run)
 tgpublish client feature (didn’t run)
 TgRep Core Feature (didn’t run)
 jre16-fragment (didn’t run)
 org.apache.cxf.cxf-bundle-jaxrs (didn’t run)
 tgauthclient-cxf-fragment (didn’t run)
 tgcrudclient-cxf-fragment (didn’t run)

Downstream Builds