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notebooks.IntroducingLda_DKProWrapper.ipynb./mnt/data/jenkins/workspace/DARIAH-Topics/notebooks/IntroducingLda_DKProWrapper.ipynb (from pytest)

Failing for the past 4 builds (Since Failed #531 )
Took 3.5 sec.

Error Message

nbconvert.preprocessors.execute.CellExecutionError: An error occurred while executing the following cell: ------------------ meta = pd.concat([metadata.fname2metadata(str(path), pattern=pattern) for path in path_to_corpus.glob('*.csv')]) meta[:5] # by adding '[:5]' to the variable, only the first 5 elements will be printed ------------------  #x1B[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------#x1B[0m #x1B[0;31mValueError#x1B[0m                                Traceback (most recent call last) #x1B[0;32m<ipython-input-7-30c5c181683a>#x1B[0m in #x1B[0;36m<module>#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m #x1B[0;32m----> 1#x1B[0;31m #x1B[0mmeta#x1B[0m #x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m #x1B[0mpd#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m.#x1B[0m#x1B[0mconcat#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m[#x1B[0m#x1B[0mmetadata#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m.#x1B[0m#x1B[0mfname2metadata#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0mstr#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0mpath#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m,#x1B[0m #x1B[0mpattern#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m#x1B[0mpattern#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m #x1B[0;32mfor#x1B[0m #x1B[0mpath#x1B[0m #x1B[0;32min#x1B[0m #x1B[0mpath_to_corpus#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m.#x1B[0m#x1B[0mglob#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m'*.csv'#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m]#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m #x1B[0m#x1B[1;32m      2#x1B[0m #x1B[0mmeta#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m[#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m:#x1B[0m#x1B[0;36m5#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m]#x1B[0m #x1B[0;31m# by adding '[:5]' to the variable, only the first 5 elements will be printed#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m  #x1B[0;32m~/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/virtualenvs/d41d8cd9/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/[0m in #x1B[0;36mconcat#x1B[0;34m(objs, axis, join, join_axes, ignore_index, keys, levels, names, verify_integrity, sort, copy)#x1B[0m #x1B[1;32m    223#x1B[0m                        #x1B[0mkeys#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m#x1B[0mkeys#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m,#x1B[0m #x1B[0mlevels#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m#x1B[0mlevels#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m,#x1B[0m #x1B[0mnames#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m#x1B[0mnames#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m,#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m #x1B[1;32m    224#x1B[0m                        #x1B[0mverify_integrity#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m#x1B[0mverify_integrity#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m,#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m #x1B[0;32m--> 225#x1B[0;31m                        copy=copy, sort=sort) #x1B[0m#x1B[1;32m    226#x1B[0m     #x1B[0;32mreturn#x1B[0m #x1B[0mop#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m.#x1B[0m#x1B[0mget_result#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m #x1B[1;32m    227#x1B[0m #x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m  #x1B[0;32m~/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/virtualenvs/d41d8cd9/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/[0m in #x1B[0;36m__init__#x1B[0;34m(self, objs, axis, join, join_axes, keys, levels, names, ignore_index, verify_integrity, copy, sort)#x1B[0m #x1B[1;32m    257#x1B[0m #x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m #x1B[1;32m    258#x1B[0m         #x1B[0;32mif#x1B[0m #x1B[0mlen#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0mobjs#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m #x1B[0;34m==#x1B[0m #x1B[0;36m0#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m:#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m #x1B[0;32m--> 259#x1B[0;31m             #x1B[0;32mraise#x1B[0m #x1B[0mValueError#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m'No objects to concatenate'#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m #x1B[0m#x1B[1;32m    260#x1B[0m #x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m #x1B[1;32m    261#x1B[0m         #x1B[0;32mif#x1B[0m #x1B[0mkeys#x1B[0m #x1B[0;32mis#x1B[0m #x1B[0;32mNone#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m:#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m  #x1B[0;31mValueError#x1B[0m: No objects to concatenate ValueError: No objects to concatenate


self = <CallInfo when='call' exception: An error occurred while executing the following cell:
meta =[0;34m:#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m

#x1B[0;31mValueError#x1B[0m: No objects to concatenate
ValueError: No objects to concatenate
func = <function call_runtest_hook.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f28d32c7f28>
when = 'call', treat_keyboard_interrupt_as_exception = False

    def __init__(self, func, when, treat_keyboard_interrupt_as_exception=False):
        #: context of invocation: one of "setup", "call",
        #: "teardown", "memocollect"
        self.when = when
        self.start = time()
>           self.result = func()

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

>       lambda: ihook(item=item, **kwds),

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_call'>, args = ()
kwargs = {'item': <RunNb '/mnt/data/jenkins/workspace/DARIAH-Topics/notebooks/IntroducingLda_DKProWrapper.ipynb'>}
notincall = set()

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if args:
            raise TypeError("hook calling supports only keyword arguments")
        assert not self.is_historic()
        if self.spec and self.spec.argnames:
            notincall = (
                set(self.spec.argnames) - set(["__multicall__"]) - set(kwargs.keys())
            if notincall:
                    "Argument(s) {} which are declared in the hookspec "
                    "can not be found in this hook call".format(tuple(notincall)),
>       return self._hookexec(self, self.get_hookimpls(), kwargs)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <_pytest.config.PytestPluginManager object at 0x7f29166563c8>
hook = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_call'>
methods = [<HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/mnt/data/jenkins/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/vi...29113d46d8>>, <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0x7f291136b2e8>>]
kwargs = {'item': <RunNb '/mnt/data/jenkins/workspace/DARIAH-Topics/notebooks/IntroducingLda_DKProWrapper.ipynb'>}

    def _hookexec(self, hook, methods, kwargs):
        # called from all hookcaller instances.
        # enable_tracing will set its own wrapping function at self._inner_hookexec
>       return self._inner_hookexec(hook, methods, kwargs)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

hook = <_HookCaller 'pytest_runtest_call'>
methods = [<HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/mnt/data/jenkins/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/vi...29113d46d8>>, <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0x7f291136b2e8>>]
kwargs = {'item': <RunNb '/mnt/data/jenkins/workspace/DARIAH-Topics/notebooks/IntroducingLda_DKProWrapper.ipynb'>}

    self._inner_hookexec = lambda hook, methods, kwargs: hook.multicall(
>       firstresult=hook.spec.opts.get("firstresult") if hook.spec else False,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

hook_impls = [<HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/mnt/data/jenkins/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/vi...29113d46d8>>, <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0x7f291136b2e8>>]
caller_kwargs = {'item': <RunNb '/mnt/data/jenkins/workspace/DARIAH-Topics/notebooks/IntroducingLda_DKProWrapper.ipynb'>}
firstresult = False

    def _multicall(hook_impls, caller_kwargs, firstresult=False):
        """Execute a call into multiple python functions/methods and return the
        ``caller_kwargs`` comes from _HookCaller.__call__().
        __tracebackhide__ = True
        results = []
        excinfo = None
        try:  # run impl and wrapper setup functions in a loop
            teardowns = []
                for hook_impl in reversed(hook_impls):
                        args = [caller_kwargs[argname] for argname in hook_impl.argnames]
                    except KeyError:
                        for argname in hook_impl.argnames:
                            if argname not in caller_kwargs:
                                raise HookCallError(
                                    "hook call must provide argument %r" % (argname,)
                    if hook_impl.hookwrapper:
                            gen = hook_impl.function(*args)
                            next(gen)  # first yield
                        except StopIteration:
                            _raise_wrapfail(gen, "did not yield")
                        res = hook_impl.function(*args)
                        if res is not None:
                            if firstresult:  # halt further impl calls
            except BaseException:
                excinfo = sys.exc_info()
            if firstresult:  # first result hooks return a single value
                outcome = _Result(results[0] if results else None, excinfo)
                outcome = _Result(results, excinfo)
            # run all wrapper post-yield blocks
            for gen in reversed(teardowns):
                    _raise_wrapfail(gen, "has second yield")
                except StopIteration:
>           return outcome.get_result()

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <pluggy.callers._Result object at 0x7f28fbb9ee48>

    def get_result(self):
        """Get the result(s) for this hook call.
        If the hook was marked as a ``firstresult`` only a single value
        will be returned otherwise a list of results.
        __tracebackhide__ = True
        if self._excinfo is None:
            return self._result
            ex = self._excinfo
            if _py3:
>               raise ex[1].with_traceback(ex[2])

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

hook_impls = [<HookImpl plugin_name='runner', plugin=<module '_pytest.runner' from '/mnt/data/jenkins/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/vi...29113d46d8>>, <HookImpl plugin_name='logging-plugin', plugin=<_pytest.logging.LoggingPlugin object at 0x7f291136b2e8>>]
caller_kwargs = {'item': <RunNb '/mnt/data/jenkins/workspace/DARIAH-Topics/notebooks/IntroducingLda_DKProWrapper.ipynb'>}
firstresult = False

    def _multicall(hook_impls, caller_kwargs, firstresult=False):
        """Execute a call into multiple python functions/methods and return the
        ``caller_kwargs`` comes from _HookCaller.__call__().
        __tracebackhide__ = True
        results = []
        excinfo = None
        try:  # run impl and wrapper setup functions in a loop
            teardowns = []
                for hook_impl in reversed(hook_impls):
                        args = [caller_kwargs[argname] for argname in hook_impl.argnames]
                    except KeyError:
                        for argname in hook_impl.argnames:
                            if argname not in caller_kwargs:
                                raise HookCallError(
                                    "hook call must provide argument %r" % (argname,)
                    if hook_impl.hookwrapper:
                            gen = hook_impl.function(*args)
                            next(gen)  # first yield
                        except StopIteration:
                            _raise_wrapfail(gen, "did not yield")
>                       res = hook_impl.function(*args)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

item = <RunNb '/mnt/data/jenkins/workspace/DARIAH-Topics/notebooks/IntroducingLda_DKProWrapper.ipynb'>

    def pytest_runtest_call(item):
        _update_current_test_var(item, "call")
        sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback = (None, None, None)
>           item.runtest()

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <RunNb '/mnt/data/jenkins/workspace/DARIAH-Topics/notebooks/IntroducingLda_DKProWrapper.ipynb'>

    def runtest(self):
        with,encoding='utf8') as nb:
            notebook =, as_version=4)
            # TODO: which kernel? run in pytest's or use new one (make it option)
            _timeout = self.parent.parent.config.getini('nbsmoke_cell_timeout')
            kwargs = dict(timeout=int(_timeout) if _timeout!='' else 300,
                          # or sys.version_info[1] ?
            ep = ExecutePreprocessor(**kwargs)
            with cwd(os.path.dirname( # jupyter notebook always does this, right?
>               ep.preprocess(notebook,{})

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <nbconvert.preprocessors.execute.ExecutePreprocessor object at 0x7f28ec8e1470>
nb = {'cells': [{'source': "# Topics – Easy Topic Modeling in Python\n\nThe text mining technique **Topic Modeling** has be...x-python', 'pygments_lexer': 'ipython3', 'nbconvert_exporter': 'python', 'version': '3.5.1', 'file_extension': '.py'}}}
resources = {}, km = None

    def preprocess(self, nb, resources, km=None):
        Preprocess notebook executing each code cell.
        The input argument `nb` is modified in-place.
        nb : NotebookNode
            Notebook being executed.
        resources : dictionary
            Additional resources used in the conversion process. For example,
            passing ``{'metadata': {'path': run_path}}`` sets the
            execution path to ``run_path``.
        km: KernelManager (optional)
            Optional kernel manager. If none is provided, a kernel manager will
            be created.
        nb : NotebookNode
            The executed notebook.
        resources : dictionary
            Additional resources used in the conversion process.
        with self.setup_preprocessor(nb, resources, km=km):
  "Executing notebook with kernel: %s" % self.kernel_name)
>           nb, resources = super(ExecutePreprocessor, self).preprocess(nb, resources)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <nbconvert.preprocessors.execute.ExecutePreprocessor object at 0x7f28ec8e1470>
nb = {'cells': [{'source': "# Topics – Easy Topic Modeling in Python\n\nThe text mining technique **Topic Modeling** has be...x-python', 'pygments_lexer': 'ipython3', 'nbconvert_exporter': 'python', 'version': '3.5.1', 'file_extension': '.py'}}}
resources = {}

    def preprocess(self, nb, resources):
        Preprocessing to apply on each notebook.
        Must return modified nb, resources.
        If you wish to apply your preprocessing to each cell, you might want
        to override preprocess_cell method instead.
        nb : NotebookNode
            Notebook being converted
        resources : dictionary
            Additional resources used in the conversion process.  Allows
            preprocessors to pass variables into the Jinja engine.
        for index, cell in enumerate(nb.cells):
>           nb.cells[index], resources = self.preprocess_cell(cell, resources, index)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <nbconvert.preprocessors.execute.ExecutePreprocessor object at 0x7f28ec8e1470>
cell = {'outputs': [{'ename': 'ValueError', 'evalue': 'No objects to concatenate', 'output_type': 'error', 'traceback': ['\x1...ements will be printed", 'cell_type': 'code', 'metadata': {'collapsed': False, 'scrolled': True}, 'execution_count': 7}
resources = {}, cell_index = 19

    def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index):
        Executes a single code cell. See for details.
        To execute all cells see :meth:`preprocess`.
        if cell.cell_type != 'code' or not cell.source.strip():
            return cell, resources
        reply, outputs = self.run_cell(cell, cell_index)
        cell.outputs = outputs
        cell_allows_errors = (self.allow_errors or "raises-exception"
                              in cell.metadata.get("tags", []))
        if self.force_raise_errors or not cell_allows_errors:
            for out in outputs:
                if out.output_type == 'error':
>                   raise CellExecutionError.from_cell_and_msg(cell, out)
E                   nbconvert.preprocessors.execute.CellExecutionError: An error occurred while executing the following cell:
E                   ------------------
E                   meta = pd.concat([metadata.fname2metadata(str(path), pattern=pattern) for path in path_to_corpus.glob('*.csv')])
E                   meta[:5] # by adding '[:5]' to the variable, only the first 5 elements will be printed
E                   ------------------
E                   #x1B[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[0;31mValueError#x1B[0m                                Traceback (most recent call last)
E                   #x1B[0;32m<ipython-input-7-30c5c181683a>#x1B[0m in #x1B[0;36m<module>#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[0;32m----> 1#x1B[0;31m #x1B[0mmeta#x1B[0m #x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m #x1B[0mpd#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m.#x1B[0m#x1B[0mconcat#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m[#x1B[0m#x1B[0mmetadata#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m.#x1B[0m#x1B[0mfname2metadata#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0mstr#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0mpath#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m,#x1B[0m #x1B[0mpattern#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m#x1B[0mpattern#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m #x1B[0;32mfor#x1B[0m #x1B[0mpath#x1B[0m #x1B[0;32min#x1B[0m #x1B[0mpath_to_corpus#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m.#x1B[0m#x1B[0mglob#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m'*.csv'#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m]#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[0m#x1B[1;32m      2#x1B[0m #x1B[0mmeta#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m[#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m:#x1B[0m#x1B[0;36m5#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m]#x1B[0m #x1B[0;31m# by adding '[:5]' to the variable, only the first 5 elements will be printed#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[0;32m~/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/virtualenvs/d41d8cd9/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/[0m in #x1B[0;36mconcat#x1B[0;34m(objs, axis, join, join_axes, ignore_index, keys, levels, names, verify_integrity, sort, copy)#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[1;32m    223#x1B[0m                        #x1B[0mkeys#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m#x1B[0mkeys#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m,#x1B[0m #x1B[0mlevels#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m#x1B[0mlevels#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m,#x1B[0m #x1B[0mnames#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m#x1B[0mnames#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m,#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[1;32m    224#x1B[0m                        #x1B[0mverify_integrity#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m=#x1B[0m#x1B[0mverify_integrity#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m,#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[0;32m--> 225#x1B[0;31m                        copy=copy, sort=sort)
E                   #x1B[0m#x1B[1;32m    226#x1B[0m     #x1B[0;32mreturn#x1B[0m #x1B[0mop#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m.#x1B[0m#x1B[0mget_result#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[1;32m    227#x1B[0m #x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[0;32m~/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/virtualenvs/d41d8cd9/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/[0m in #x1B[0;36m__init__#x1B[0;34m(self, objs, axis, join, join_axes, keys, levels, names, ignore_index, verify_integrity, copy, sort)#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[1;32m    257#x1B[0m #x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[1;32m    258#x1B[0m         #x1B[0;32mif#x1B[0m #x1B[0mlen#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0mobjs#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m #x1B[0;34m==#x1B[0m #x1B[0;36m0#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m:#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[0;32m--> 259#x1B[0;31m             #x1B[0;32mraise#x1B[0m #x1B[0mValueError#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m(#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m'No objects to concatenate'#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m)#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[0m#x1B[1;32m    260#x1B[0m #x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[1;32m    261#x1B[0m         #x1B[0;32mif#x1B[0m #x1B[0mkeys#x1B[0m #x1B[0;32mis#x1B[0m #x1B[0;32mNone#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m:#x1B[0m#x1B[0;34m#x1B[0m#x1B[0m
E                   #x1B[0;31mValueError#x1B[0m: No objects to concatenate
E                   ValueError: No objects to concatenate

../../shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/virtualenvs/d41d8cd9/lib/python3.5/site-packages/nbconvert/preprocessors/ CellExecutionError