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nose.failure.Failure.runTest (from nosetests)

Failing for the past 5 builds (Since Failed #75 )
Took 0 ms.

Error Message

Working outside of request context.

This typically means that you attempted to use functionality that needed
an active HTTP request.  Consult the documentation on testing for
information about how to avoid this problem.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/unittest/", line 59, in testPartExecutor
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/unittest/", line 601, in run
  File "/mnt/data/jenkins/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/virtualenvs/d41d8cd9/lib/python3.5/site-packages/nose/", line 39, in runTest
    raise self.exc_val.with_traceback(self.tb)
  File "/mnt/data/jenkins/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/virtualenvs/d41d8cd9/lib/python3.5/site-packages/nose/plugins/", line 154, in generate
    for r in result:
  File "/mnt/data/jenkins/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/virtualenvs/d41d8cd9/lib/python3.5/site-packages/nose/plugins/", line 228, in loadTestsFromModule
    tests = self.finder.find(module)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 924, in find
    self._find(tests, obj, name, module, source_lines, globs, {})
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 983, in _find
    if ((inspect.isroutine(inspect.unwrap(val))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 470, in unwrap
    while _is_wrapper(func):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 464, in _is_wrapper
    return hasattr(f, '__wrapped__')
  File "/mnt/data/jenkins/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/virtualenvs/d41d8cd9/lib/python3.5/site-packages/werkzeug/", line 343, in __getattr__
    return getattr(self._get_current_object(), name)
  File "/mnt/data/jenkins/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/virtualenvs/d41d8cd9/lib/python3.5/site-packages/werkzeug/", line 302, in _get_current_object
    return self.__local()
  File "/mnt/data/jenkins/shiningpanda/jobs/62c67c92/virtualenvs/d41d8cd9/lib/python3.5/site-packages/flask/", line 37, in _lookup_req_object
    raise RuntimeError(_request_ctx_err_msg)
RuntimeError: Working outside of request context.

This typically means that you attempted to use functionality that needed
an active HTTP request.  Consult the documentation on testing for
information about how to avoid this problem.