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Started 2 yr 5 mo ago
Took 31 min on Rechenknecht

#593 (Apr 14, 2022, 6:50:50 PM)

  1. feat(verse_stats): lg column für line group (commit: 3250165) (details / githubweb)
  2. feat(verse_stats): allow standalone usage (commit: 2ad6980) (details / githubweb)
  3. fix(verse_stats): remove critical apparatus before processing (commit: 6e29280) (details / githubweb)
  4. fix(verse_stats): iterate over TEI instead of HTML (commit: ac0f4d2) (details / githubweb)

Started by GitHub push by thvitt

This run spent:

  • 54 sec waiting;
  • 31 min build duration;
  • 32 min total from scheduled to completion.
Revision: ac0f4d20519bc411f8e469b6f86fa52b55d74d40
  • refs/remotes/origin/master
5760 errors, 1727 warnings

Module Builds

 Faust-Edition Site Generation31 min