<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"


	  <name>TextGridLab Dependencies</name>

	  <description>This collects required libraries etc. for the TextGridLab and publishes them to a P2 repository.

In this build, existing OSGi bundles that have been deployed to some maven repository are collected into features and published to an update site that can then be consumed by the lab build or by TextGridLab developers (through the target platform). For OSGifying plain jars, see the OSGification build (tbd).</description>



                        <name>DARIAH Nexus Public Repository</name>

                        <name>Cophi Nexus Releases</name>
                        <name>Cophi Nexus snapshots</name>


		<!-- confclient -->

		    <!-- tgcrud client -->
		<!-- tgauth client -->

		<!-- tgsearch client -->

		    <!-- tgpublish client -->

		    <!-- textgrid common dependencies -->

		    <!-- 3rd party dependencies -->






