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#2 (Aug 31, 2018, 7:02:21 PM)

Started 6 yr 5 mo ago
Took 6 min 39 sec on build3
Build Artifacts
faust-schema-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar2.34 KiB view
faust-schema-1.4-SNAPSHOT.pom4.16 KiB view
  1. Handle TEI element to pull ns decls up (commit: cbb86ce) (details)
  2. Removed option which caused broken schemas with 3.4.0 (commit: 9117589) (details)
  3. Mainly working version for new TEI schema (commit: 59edc2b) (details)
  4. Updated project (commit: 605cb03) (details)
  5. added old printed editions schema again (commit: 1a8a217) (details)