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#67 (May 20, 2015, 3:33:48 PM)

Started 9 yr 8 mo ago
Took 4 min 2 sec on build1
Test Result (no failures)
    1. Bumped version number (details)
    2. + rendition test file (details)
    3. HTML: embed and frame carry on embedded <style>s. (details)
    4. Bumped version number (details)
    5. Started next development cycle (details)
    6. updated tei stylesheets (details)
    7. Adjust target file name if we use a transformation (details)
    8. Allow to zip a whole search result. (details)
    9. Updated TEI stylesheets to 7.30.0 (details)
    10. Enable CORS (details)
    11. Tests: Log generated files (details)
    12. ZIP Query Export: Add start and stop arguments (details)
    13. + runIn headings (details)
    14. Added handling for linkURLPattern to XSLT (details)
    15. Added linkURLPattern to the service (details)
    16. HTML: fixed fragment handling for $linkURLPattern (details)
    17. updated TEI stylesheets (details)
    18. Fixed search export limits (details)
    19. Limit zip comment size (details)
    20. fixup: removed 'required=yes', doesn't work w/some saxon versions (details)
    21. ZIP: Streaming option to defer tree walking. (details)
    22. Added a search client implementation with a Collection interface (details)
    23. Refactored rootObjects to be an iterable (details)
    24. Removed unneccessary expansions of all root objects (details)
    25. Fixed NPE when AggregationTree is used for non-aggregations (details)
    26. ZIP: Added 'filter' argument to search export (details)
    27. Updated TEI stylesheets to 7.32 (details)
    28. Test file for enzyclopaediae & fragments (details)
    29. Removed divContents override, appearently no effect (details)
    30. Updated enzyclopaediae test file (details)
    31. HTML: render heading in fragment case (details)
    32. Render .runIn and following paragraph inline (details)
    33. HTML: add sensible @class to <h[1-6]> (details)
    34. HTML: Experimentally switch to HTML5 output (details)
    35. Support @ID@ in linkURLPattern (details)
    36. Ignore ID attribute if ID not in document (details)
    37. fixup! Support @ID@ in linkURLPattern (details)
    38. HTML: .runIn should be prefixed with block-level stuff. (details)
    39. Revert "HTML: Experimentally switch to HTML5 output" (details)
    40. Updated TEI stylesheets to v7.33.0 (details)
    41. Set version number to 1.4.5 (details)