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  1. ignored IDEA specific files (commit: 9345979) (details)
  2. sphinx-quickstart generated documentation skeleton (commit: 1882f90) (details)
  3. Prep for autodoc (commit: 90c28f7) (details)
  4. Autodoc based module documentation. (commit: c15c722) (details)
  5. Reorganized to include all existing docs (commit: 92badd3) (details)
  6. Documentation config (commit: cdbc6f6) (details)
  7. Fixed some docstrings (commit: 939d23e) (details)
  8. Documented documentation (commit: 1fb1b3b) (details)
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
Commit 1882f90330a90d40f4c7a3132d96746c058472b1 by Thorsten Vitt
sphinx-quickstart generated documentation skeleton
(commit: 1882f90)
The file was modifiedrequirements-dev.txt (diff)
The file was addeddocs/
The file was addeddocs/make.bat
The file was modified.gitignore (diff)
The file was addeddocs/Makefile
The file was addeddocs/index.rst
The file was modifieddocs/ (diff)
Commit c15c7225c9c256b796b9d607b89def10ce359a3b by Thorsten Vitt
Autodoc based module documentation.
Try 'make gen' to re-gneerate the contents of the gen folder.
(commit: c15c722)
The file was modifieddocs/ (diff)
The file was addeddocs/gen/dariah_topics.rst
The file was addeddocs/gen/dariah_topics.meta.rst
The file was addeddocs/gen/dariah_topics.mallet.rst
The file was addeddocs/gen/modules.rst
The file was modifieddocs/Makefile (diff)
The file was addeddocs/gen/dariah_topics.doclist.rst
The file was addeddocs/gen/dariah_topics.evaluation.rst
The file was addeddocs/gen/dariah_topics.visualization.rst
The file was modifieddocs/index.rst (diff)
The file was addeddocs/gen/dariah_topics.preprocessing.rst
Commit 92badd3c4d868a33154747c8abb9c6d0adaa38a6 by Thorsten Vitt
Reorganized to include all existing docs
(commit: 92badd3)
The file was modifiedrequirements-dev.txt (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was removeddocs/
The file was
The file was removeddocs/index.rst
The file was modifiedIntroducing_MALLET.ipynb (diff)
The file was modifiedIntroducing_gensim.ipynb (diff)
The file was addedindex.rst
The file was modifiedIntroducing_lda.ipynb (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was (diff)
The file was modifieddariah_topics/ (diff)
The file was modifieddariah_topics/ (diff)
The file was (diff)