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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Maintaining Lists of Documents ==============================
A *document list* manages a list of documents. There are various implementations of varying powerfulness, all have the following in common:
* A document list keeps a fixed list of documents in order, i.e. after you created the list you can call the iteration functions and get the same file at the same position (even if, e.g., the underlying directory changes). So these files can be matched with lists of document *contents*.
* A document list separates a *base directory* with some way to form *file names*. Thus, you can easily create a mirror (of, e.g., files transformed in some way) in a different directory, or modify the way filenames are formed.
""" Base class with common functionality.
Users should not instantiate this but rather a specialized subclass like `PathDocList`. """
""" Constructs a full path for the given document.
Args: document: this is one document in the way the subclass chooses to represent documents. as_str (bool): if True, the result is a str, otherwise it is a `Path`
Notes: The default implementation passed document on to `Path()`. Implementers will most probably want to override this. """
def get_docs(self): """ Returns a sequence of documents, in the form the implementing class chooses.
Note: Subclasses may implement a method `_get_item(self, index)`, with index being integer or slice, to speed access up. """ pass
""" Returns a list of full paths. Calls full_path. """
def label(self, document): """ Returns a label suitable for the document. """ pass
""" When used as an iterable, this object looks like an iterable of full paths. """
""" When used as a sequence, this object looks like a sequence of full paths. """
""" When used as a sequence, this object looks like a sequence of full paths. """ try: selection = self._getitem(index) except AttributeError: selection = self.get_docs()[index]
return [self.full_path(doc, as_str=True) for doc in selection] else: return self.full_path(selection, as_str=True)
""" Returns a list of (human-readable) labels for all documents. """
""" Records and flattens segment counts according to the stream of documents.
Assume you have three documents
| A : I am an example document | B : Me too | C : All examples reference themselves
:: docs = SimpleDocList('.', filenames=['A','B','C'])
Now, you have an (external) segmenter function that segments each document into segments each being at most two tokens long. The data structure your segmenter will produce looks similar to the following::
segmented_corpus = \ [[['I', 'am'], ['an', 'example'], ['document']], [['Me', 'too']], [['All', 'examples'], ['reference', 'themselves']]]
Now, if you run ``docs.flatten_segments(self)``, it will do two things: it will record how many segments each document has (A: 3, B: 1, C: 2), and it will return a structure flattened by one level as in the following::
[['I', 'am'], ['an', 'example'], ['document'], ['Me', 'too'], ['All', 'examples'], ['reference', 'themselves']]
I.e. the result will look like a corpus of six shorter documents. This matches with the iteration you get when you call docs.segments().
Args: segmented_docs: Iterable of documents, each document being an iterable of segments.
Returns: Iterable of segments.
Notes: Instead of lists you will receive generators, but you can iterate over these as well. """
""" Returns an iterable of the number of each segments for each document. """
""" Yields a tuple (document, segment_no) for each segment, with document being the internal representation of each document and segment_count an integer starting at 0 """ self.segment_counts()): else:
format="{path.stem}.{segment:0{maxwidth}d}{path.suffix}", basepath=None, as_str=False): """
Args: format (str): A :obj:`strings.Formatter` pattern that describes how to form each filename. The following formatter variables are available:
* path (:obj:`~pathlib.Path`): original file path * segment (`int`): current segment number * maxwidth (`int`): number of digits required for the largest segment number overall basepath: Base path for the file names. By default, self.basepath will be used. as_str (bool): Convert the result to strings.
Yields: pathlib.Path: path for each segment Raises: ValueError: if no segments """
segment=segment_no) else:
""" Document list based on a list of Paths. """
""" Creates a new document list either from the given file names or by looking for files matching the glob_pattern in the basepath.
Args: basepath (Path or str): Root directory where your corpus resides glob_pattern (str): A file glob pattern matching the files to include. filenames (list): An iterable of paths or file names relative to basepath. If `None`, look for files on the file system. """ for p in self.basepath.glob(glob_pattern)] else:
""" Returns a copy of this list which has the recorded segment numbers incorporated into the file names. I.e., this version does not know anymore about segments but rather has a file name for each segment.
Args: pattern (str): A `strings.Formatter` pattern that describes how to form each filename. The following formatter variables are available:
path (Path): original file path segment (int): current segment number maxwidth (int): number of digits required for the largest segment number overall Raises: ValueError: if no segments """ |