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#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Handling MALLET in Python *************************
Functions and classes of this module are for **handling `MALLET <>`_ \ in Python**.
Contents ******** * :func:`call_commandline()` * :class:`Mallet` * :func:`call_mallet()` * :func:`import_corpus()` * :func:`train_topics()`
format='%(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s')
"""Decodes the bytes-like output of a subprocess in UTF-8.
This private function is wrapped in :func:`call_commandline()`.
Args: std (bytes-like): The ``stdout`` or ``stderr`` (or whatever) of a subprocess.
Returns: A list of decoded strings.
Example: >>> _decode([bytes('This is a test.', encoding='utf-8')]) ['This is a test.'] """
"""Calls the command-line from within Python.
With this function you can call the command-line with a specific command. Each \ argument has to be an element in a list (``cmd``).
Args: cmd (list): A list of command-line arguments. stdin (str), optional: Value for stdin. Defaults to None. stdout (str), optional: Value for stdout. Defaults to ``pipe``. stderr (str), optional: Value for stderr. Defaults to ``pipe``. communicate (bool), optioanl: If True, ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` will be processed. Defaults to False. logfile (bool), optional: If True, a logfile (``commandline.log``) will be created. Otherwise ``stdout`` (and ``stderr``, respectively) will be printed as logging to the console (level: INFO).
Returns: :class:`Popen` object of the subprocess.
Example: >>> call_commandline(['python', '-h']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <subprocess.Popen object at ...> """ stdin = PIPE
decoded_stderr = _decode(process.stderr) decoded_stdout = _decode(process.stdout) if logfile:"Check commandline.log in '{0}' for logging.".format(os.getcwd())) with open('commandline.log', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write('\n'.join(decoded_stdout)) file.write('\n'.join(decoded_stderr)) else: for line_stdout in decoded_stdout: for line_stdout in decoded_stderr:
"""Checks if whitespaces are in a string.
This private function is wrapped in :func:`call_mallet()`.
Args: string (str): Obviously, a string.
Returns: True if whitespaces are **not** in the string, otherwise False.
Example: >>> _check_whitespace('nowhitespace') True >>> _check_whitespace('white space') False """ else:
"""Checks if MALLET created output.
This private function is wrapped in :func:`import_tokenized_corpus()` and \ :func:`train_topics()`.
Args: keyword (str): A token, which has to be in ``kwargs.values()``. kwargs (dict), optional: Args for the MALLET functions.
Raises: OSError, if MALLET did not produce any output files. """ else:
raise OSError("MALLET did not produce any output files. Maybe check your args?")
"""Python wrapper for MALLET.
With this class you can call the command-line tool `MALLET <>`_ \ from within Python. """ raise FileNotFoundError(("The executable '{0}' could not be found.\n" "Either place the executable into the $PATH or call " "{1}(executable='/path/to/mallet')").format(executable, self.__class__.__name__)) else:
"""Calls the command-line tool MALLET.
With this function you can call `MALLET <>`_ \ using a specific ``command`` (e.g. ``train-topics``) and its parameters. **Whitespaces (especially for Windows users) are not allowed in paths.**
Args: command (str): A MALLET command, this could be ``import-dir`` (load the contents of a directory into MALLET instances), ``import-file`` (load a single file into MALLET instances), ``import-svmlight`` (load SVMLight format data files into MALLET instances), ``info`` (get information about MALLET instances), ``train-classifier`` (train a classifier from MALLET data files), ``classify-dir`` (classify data from a single file with a saved classifier), ``classify-file`` (classify the contents of a directory with a saved classifier), ``classify-svmlight`` (classify data from a single file in SVMLight format), ``train-topics`` (train a topic model from MALLET data files), ``infer-topics`` (use a trained topic model to infer topics for new documents), ``evaluate-topics`` (estimate the probability of new documents under a trained model), ``prune`` (remove features based on frequency or information gain), ``split`` (divide data into testing, training, and validation portions), ``bulk-load`` (for big input files, efficiently prune vocabulary and import docs).
Returns: :class:`Popen` object of the MALLET subprocess.
Example: >>> import tempfile >>> with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.txt') as tmpfile: ... tmpfile.write(b"This is a plain text example.") and True ... tmpfile.flush() ... Mallet = Mallet(corpus_output='.') ... process = Mallet.call_mallet('import-file', ... os.path.exists('text.vectors') True True """
raise ValueError("Whitespaces are not allowed in '{0}'".format(args))
communicate = True else:
"""Creates MALLET corpus model.
With this function you can import a ``tokenized_corpus`` to create the \ MALLET corpus model. The MALLET command for this step is ``import-dir`` \ with ``--keep-sequence`` (which is already defined in the function, so \ you don't have to), but you have the ability to specify all available \ parameters. The output will be saved in ``output_corpus``.
Args: tokenized_corpus (list): Tokenized corpus containing one or more iterables containing tokens. document_labels (list): Name of each `tokenized_document` in `tokenized_corpus`. encoding (str): Character encoding for input file. Defaults to UTF-8. token_regex (str): Divides documents into tokens using a regular expression (supports Unicode regex). Defaults to \p{L}[\p{L}\p{P}]+\p{L}. preserve_case (bool): If False, converts all word features to lowercase. Defaults to False. remove_stopwords (bool): Ignores a standard list of very common English tokens. Defaults to True. stoplist (str): Absolute path to plain text stopword list. Defaults to None. extra_stopwords (str): Read whitespace-separated words from this file, and add them to either the default English stoplist or the list specified by ``stoplist``. Defaults to None. stop_pattern_file (str): Read regular expressions from a file, one per line. Tokens matching these regexps will be removed. Defaults to None. skip_header (bool): If True, in each document, remove text occurring before a blank line. This is useful for removing email or UseNet headers. Defaults to False. skip_html (bool): If True, remove text occurring inside <...>, as in HTML or SGML. Defaults to False. replacement_files (str): Files containing string replacements, one per line: 'A B [tab] C' replaces A B with C, 'A B' replaces A B with A_B. Defaults to None. deletion_files (str): Files containing strings to delete after `replacements_files` but before tokenization (i.e. multiword stop terms). Defaults to False. keep_sequence_bigrams (bool): If True, final data will be a FeatureSequenceWithBigrams rather than a FeatureVector. Defaults to False. binary_features (bool): If True, features will be binary. Defaults to False. save_text_in_source (bool): If True, save original text of document in source. Defaults to False. print_output (bool): If True, print a representation of the processed data to standard output. This option is intended for debugging. Defaults to False.
Returns: The absolute path to the created MALLET corpus file.
Example: >>> tokenized_corpus = [['this', 'is', 'a', 'tokenized', 'document']] >>> document_labels = ['document_label'] >>> Mallet = Mallet(corpus_output='.') >>> mallet_corpus = Mallet.import_tokenized_corpus(tokenized_corpus, document_labels) >>> os.path.exists('corpus.mallet') True """
"""Trains LDA model.
With this function you can train a topic model. The MALLET command for \ this step is ``train-topics`` (which is already defined in the function, \ so you don't have to), but you have the ability to specify all available \ parameters.
Args: mallet_binary (str): Path to MALLET corpus model. cleanup (bool): If True, the directory ``corpus_output`` will be removed after modeling. input_model (str): The filename from which to read the binary topic model. input_state (str): The filename from which to read the gzipped Gibbs sampling state created by ``output_state``. The original input file must be included, using ``input``. output_model (str): The filename in which to write the binary topic model at the end of the iterations. output_state (str): The filename in which to write the Gibbs sampling state after at the end of the iterations. output_model_interval (int): The number of iterations between writing the model (and its Gibbs sampling state) to a binary file. You must also set the ``output_model`` to use this option, whose argument will be the prefix of the filenames. Default is 0. output_state_interval (int): The number of iterations between writing the sampling state to a text file. You must also set the ``output_state`` to use this option, whose argument will be the prefix of the filenames. Default is 0. inferencer_filename (str): A topic inferencer applies a previously trained topic model to new documents. evaluator_filename (str): A held-out likelihood evaluator for new documents. output_topic_keys (str): The filename in which to write the top words for each topic and any Dirichlet parameters. num_top_words (int): The number of most probable words to print for each topic after model estimation. Default is 20. show_topics_interval (int): The number of iterations between printing a brief summary of the topics so far. Default is 50. topic_word_weights_file (str): The filename in which to write unnormalized weights for every topic and word type. word_topic_counts_file (str): The filename in which to write a sparse representation of topic-word assignments. diagnostics_file (str): The filename in which to write measures of topic quality, in XML format. Default is null xml_topic_report (str): The filename in which to write the top words for each topic and any Dirichlet parameters in XML format. xml_topic_phrase_report (str): The filename in which to write the top words and phrases for each topic and any Dirichlet parameters in XML format. num_top_docs (int): When writing topic documents with ``output_topic_docs``, report this number of top documents. Default is 100 output_doc_topics (str): The filename in which to write the topic proportions per document, at the end of the iterations. doc_topics_threshold (float): Do not print topics with proportions less than this threshold value within ``output_doc_topics``. Defaults to 0.0. num_topics (int): Number of topics. Defaults to 10. num_top_words (int): Number of keywords for each topic. Defaults to 10. num_interations (int): Number of iterations. Defaults to 1000. num_threads (int): Number of threads for parallel training. Defaults to 1. num_icm_iterations (int): Number of iterations of iterated conditional modes (topic maximization). Defaults to 0. no_inference (bool): Load a saved model and create a report. Equivalent to ``num_iterations = 0``. Defaults to False. random_seed (int): Random seed for the Gibbs sampler. Defaults to 0. optimize_interval (int): Number of iterations between reestimating dirichlet hyperparameters. Defaults to 0. optimize_burn_in (int): Number of iterations to run before first estimating dirichlet hyperparameters. Defaults to 200. use_symmetric_alpha (bool): Only optimize the concentration parameter of the prior over document-topic distributions. This may reduce the number of very small, poorly estimated topics, but may disperse common words over several topics. Defaults to False. alpha (float): Sum over topics of smoothing over doc-topic distributions. ``alpha_k = [this value] / [num topics]``. Defaults to 5.0. beta (float): Smoothing parameter for each topic-word. Defaults to 0.01.
Returns: None.
Example: >>> tokenized_corpus = [['this', 'is', 'a', 'tokenized', 'document']] >>> document_labels = ['document_label'] >>> Mallet = Mallet(corpus_output='.') >>> mallet_corpus = Mallet.import_tokenized_corpus(tokenized_corpus, document_labels) >>> mallet_topics = Mallet.train_topics(mallet_corpus, ... output_model='model.mallet', ... num_iterations=10) >>> os.path.exists('model.mallet') True """