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Measuring and Evaluating Semantic Coherence of Topics =====================================================
Topic Models generate probability distributions for words out of a collection of texts, sorting many single word distributions into distinct semantic groups called _topics_. These topics constitute groups of semantically related words. This module provides a method to evaluate the topics quantitatively by semantic coherence. """
"""Opens sparse_bow from CSV-file.
Description: With this function you can read a CSV-file containing a sparse_bow. Use the function `create_sparse_bow()` of the `preprocessing`-module to create a sparse_bow.
Args: path (str): Path to CSV-file.
Returns: DataFrame. """ sparse_bow = pd.read_csv(path) sparse_bow = sparse_bow.set_index(['doc_id', 'token_id']) return sparse_bow
"""Opens type dictionary from CSV-file.
Description: With this function you can read a CSV-file containing a a type dictionary. Use the function `create_dictionary()` of the `preprocessing`-module to create a type dictionary.
Args: path (str): Path to CSV-file.
Returns: DataFrame. """ dictionary = pd.read_csv(path, header=None) dictionary.index = dictionary[0] dictionary = dictionary[1] return dictionary.to_dict()
"""Adds token to type dictionary.
Description: With this function you can * get the ID for a token in an existing type dictionary, if token is is already in type dictionary * get the ID for a token after adding the token to type dictionary, if token was not part of the dictionary
Args: token (str): Token. type_dictionary (dict): Dictionary containing tokens as keys and integers as values.
Returns: ID (int) of token. """ try: return type_dictionary[token] except KeyError: type_dictionary[token] = len(type_dictionary) + 1 return type_dictionary[token]
""" Preparation for coherence measures """
""" Creates objects for topics, sparse_bow and type_dictionary.
Args: topics (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing topic keys. sparse_bow (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing MultiIndex with `doc_id` and `type_id` and word frequencies. type_dictionary (dict): A dictionary containing types as key and IDs as values. """ self.topics = topics self.sparse_bow = sparse_bow self.type_dictionary = type_dictionary
""" Combines or permutes topic keys to bigrams after translating to their IDs.
Args: permutation (bool): True for permutation. If False topic keys will be combined. Defaults to False.
Returns: Series containing bigrams. """ bigrams = [] for topic in self.topics.iterrows(): topic = [token2bow(token, self.type_dictionary) for token in topic[1]] if permutation: bigrams.append(list(permutations(topic, 2))) else: bigrams.append(list(combinations(topic, 2))) return pd.Series(bigrams)
""" Counts for each token ID all documents containing the ID
Args: bigrams (pd.Series): Series containing bigrams of combined or permuted token IDs.
Returns: Series containing document IDs for each token ID. """ bow = self.sparse_bow.reset_index(level=1)['token_id'] occurences = pd.Series() if isinstance(bigrams, set): pass else: keys = set() for topic in bigrams: for bigram in topic: keys.add(bigram[0]) keys.add(bigram[1]) for key in keys: total = set() for doc in bow.groupby(level=0): if key in doc[1].values: total.add(doc[0]) occurences[str(key)] = total return occurences
""" Containing PMI measures """
""" Creates objects for sparse_bow and type_dictionary.
Args: topics (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing topic keys. sparse_bow (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing MultiIndex with `doc_id` and `type_id` and word frequencies. type_dictionary (dict): A dictionary containing types as key and IDs as values. """ self.type_dictionary = type_dictionary self.sparse_bow = sparse_bow
""" Calculates PMI (UCI) for token pair. This variant of PMI is based on Newman et al. 2010 Automatic Evaluation of Topic Coherence.
Args: pair (tuple): Tuple containing two tokens, e.g. ('token1', 'token2') occurences (pd.Series): Series containing document occurences. e (float): Integer to avoid zero division. normalize (bool): If True, PMI (UCI) will be normalized. Defaults to False.
Returns: Integer. """ n = len(self.sparse_bow.index.levels[0]) try: k1 = occurences[str(pair[0])] except KeyError: print("%s nicht" % pair[0]) try: k2 = occurences[str(pair[1])] except KeyError: print("%s nicht" % pair[1]) try: k1k2 = k1.intersection(k2) numerator = (len(k1k2) + e) / n denominator = ((len(k1) + e) / n) * ((len(k2) + e) / n) if normalize: return np.log(numerator / denominator) / -np.log(numerator) else: return np.log(numerator / denominator) except UnboundLocalError: pass
""" Calculates PMI (UMass) for token pair. This variant of PMI is based on Mimno et al. 2011 Optimizing Semantic Coherence in Topic Models.
Args: pair (tuple): Tuple containing two tokens, e.g. ('token1', 'token2') occurences (pd.Series): Series containing document occurences. e (float): Integer to avoid zero division.
Returns: Integer. """ n = len(self.sparse_bow.count(level=0)) try: k1 = occurences[str(pair[0])] except KeyError: print("%s nicht" % pair[0]) try: k2 = occurences[str(pair[1])] except KeyError: print("%s nicht" % pair[1]) try: k1k2 = k1.intersection(k2) numerator = (len(k1k2) + e) / n denominator = (len(k2) + e) / n return np.log(numerator / denominator) except UnboundLocalError: pass
""" Creates objects for topics, sparse_bow and type_dictionary.
Args: topics (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing topic keys. sparse_bow (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing MultiIndex with `doc_id` and `type_id` and word frequencies. type_dictionary (dict): A dictionary containing types as key and IDs as values. """ self.topics = topics self.sparse_bow = sparse_bow self.type_dictionary = type_dictionary
""" Calculates PMI (UMass) for all topic keys in a DataFrame. This variant of PMI is based on Mimno et al. 2011 Optimizing Semantic Coherence in Topic Models.
Args: mean (bool): If True, mean will be calculated for each topic, if False, median. Defaults to True. e (float): Integer to avoid zero division.
Returns: Series with score for each topic. """ scores = [] N = len(self.topics.T) segmented_topics = self.segment_topics() occurences = self.calculate_occurences(bigrams=segmented_topics) for topic in segmented_topics: pmi = [] for pair in topic: pmi.append(self.pmi_umass( pair=pair, occurences=occurences, e=e)) if mean: scores.append((2 / (N * (N - 1))) * np.mean(pmi)) else: scores.append((2 / (N * (N - 1))) * np.median(pmi)) return pd.Series(scores)
""" Calculates PMI (UCI) for all topic keys in a DataFrame. This variant of PMI is based on Newman et al. 2010 Automatic Evaluation of Topic Coherence.
Args: mean (bool): If True, mean will be calculated for each topic, if False, median. Defaults to True. normalize (bool): If True, PMI (UCI) will be normalized. Defaults to False. e (float): Integer to avoid zero division.
Returns: Series with score for each topic. """ scores = [] N = len(self.topics.T) segmented_topics = self.segment_topics(permutation=True) occurences = self.calculate_occurences(bigrams=segmented_topics) for topic in segmented_topics: pmi = [] for pair in topic: pmi.append(self.pmi_uci( pair=pair, occurences=occurences, normalize=normalize, e=e)) if mean: scores.append((2 / (N * (N - 1))) * np.mean(pmi)) else: scores.append((2 / (N * (N - 1))) * np.median(pmi)) return pd.Series(scores) |