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def get_db(): """Create connection to SQLite database. """"Connecting to database...") if "db" not in flask.g: flask.g.db = sqlite3.connect(str(utils.DATABASE)) return flask.g.db
def close_db(e=None): """Close connection to SQLite database. """"Closing connection to database...") db = flask.g.pop("db", None) if db is not None: db.close()
def _insert_into_textfiles(db, data): for textfile in data: title, content = utils.load_textfile(textfile) if content:"Insert '{}' into database...".format(title)) db.execute(""" INSERT INTO textfiles (title, content) VALUES(?, ?); """, [title, content])
def _insert_into_token_freqs(db, data):"Insert token frequencies into database...") db.execute(""" INSERT INTO token_freqs (content) VALUES(?); """, [data])
def insert_into(table, data): """Insert data into database. """ db = get_db() if table in {"textfiles"}: _insert_into_textfiles(db, data) elif table in {"token_freqs"}: _insert_into_token_freqs(db, data) elif table in {"stopwords"}: _insert_into_stopwords(db, data) elif table in {"model"}: _insert_into_model(db, data) elif table in {"parameters"}: _insert_into_parameters(db, data) db.commit() close_db()
def update(table, data): """Update table in database. """ db = get_db() if table in {"textfiles"}: _update_textfile_sizes(db, data) db.commit() close_db()
def _update_textfile_sizes(db, data):"Update textfile sizes in database...") for title, size in data.items(): db.execute(""" UPDATE textfiles SET size = ? WHERE title = ?; """, [size, title])
def _insert_into_parameters(db, data):"Insert parameters into database...") db.execute(""" INSERT INTO parameters (content) VALUES(?); """, [data])
def _insert_into_model(db, data):"Insert topic model output into database...") db.execute(""" INSERT INTO model (document_topic, topics, document_similarities, topic_similarities) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?); """, [data["document_topic"], data["topics"], data["document_similarities"], data["topic_similarities"]])
def _insert_into_stopwords(db, data):"Insert stopwords into database...") db.execute(""" INSERT INTO stopwords (content) VALUES(?); """, [data])
def select(value, **kwargs): """Select values from database. """ db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() if value in {"textfiles"}: return _select_textfiles(cursor) elif value in {"token_freqs"}: return _select_token_freqs(cursor) elif value in {"document_topic_distributions"}: return _select_document_topic_distributions(cursor) elif value in {"topics"}: return _select_topics(cursor) elif value in {"textfile"}: return _select_textfile(cursor, **kwargs) elif value in {"document_similarities"}: return _select_document_similarities(cursor) elif value in {"topic_similarities"}: return _select_topic_similarities(cursor) elif value in {"stopwords"}: return _select_stopwords(cursor) elif value in {"data_export"}: return _select_data_export(cursor) elif value in {"parameters"}: return _select_parameters(cursor) elif value in {"textfile_sizes"}: return _select_textfile_sizes(cursor)
def _select_textfile_sizes(cursor):"Select textfile sizes from database...") return cursor.execute(""" SELECT title, size FROM textfiles; """).fetchall()
def _select_parameters(cursor):"Select parameters from database...") return cursor.execute(""" SELECT content FROM parameters; """).fetchone()
def _select_stopwords(cursor):"Select stopwords from database...") return cursor.execute(""" SELECT content FROM stopwords; """).fetchone()[0]
def _select_document_similarities(cursor):"Select document similarity matrix from database...") return cursor.execute(""" SELECT document_similarities FROM model; """).fetchone()[0]
def _select_topic_similarities(cursor):"Select topic similarity matrix from database...") return cursor.execute(""" SELECT topic_similarities FROM model; """).fetchone()[0]
def _select_token_freqs(cursor):"Select token frequencies from database...") return cursor.execute(""" SELECT content FROM token_freqs; """).fetchone()[0]
def _select_textfiles(cursor):"Select textfiles from database...") return cursor.execute(""" SELECT title, content FROM textfiles; """).fetchall()
def _select_document_topic_distributions(cursor):"Select document-topic distributions from database...") return cursor.execute(""" SELECT document_topic FROM model; """).fetchone()[0]
def _select_topics(cursor):"Select topics from database...") return cursor.execute(""" SELECT topics FROM model; """).fetchone()[0]
def _select_textfile(cursor, title):"Select '{}' from database...".format(title)) return cursor.execute(""" SELECT content FROM textfiles WHERE title = ?; """, [title]).fetchone()[0]
def _select_data_export(cursor): stopwords = _select_stopwords(cursor)"Select model output from database...") model = cursor.execute(""" SELECT document_topic, topics, document_similarities, topic_similarities FROM model; """).fetchone() return model, stopwords |