Started 5 yr 8 mo ago
Took 6 min 0 sec on Rechenknecht

Build Digitale Faust-Edition :: Faust TEI P5 schema (Sep 11, 2018, 10:32:33 PM)

Build Artifacts
faust-schema-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar2.34 KB view
faust-schema-1.4-SNAPSHOT.pom4.16 KB view
  1. Further encoding decisions and fixes. (commit: 3161ada) (details)
  2. Removed undocumentary sic and corr (commit: ede715c) (details)
  3. ge:used → metamark. (commit: cbd8bfc) (details)
  4. wrong restored substs. (commit: eb7f7b1) (details)