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  1. First attempt at schema conversion. (commit: b57b982) (details)
  2. project (commit: ed7ae52) (details)
  3. fixup! project (commit: bdf53b4) (details)
  4. Conversion workflow (commit: a7fd2c6) (details)
  5. Include converted transcripts in workflow (commit: c548d66) (details)
  6. Handle TEI element to pull ns decls up (commit: cbb86ce) (details)
  7. Removed option which caused broken schemas with 3.4.0 (commit: 9117589) (details)
  8. Mainly working version for new TEI schema (commit: 59edc2b) (details)
  9. Updated project (commit: 605cb03) (details)
  10. added old printed editions schema again (commit: 1a8a217) (details)
  11. Link HTMLized copies of invalid TEI files (commit: ffb210f) (details)
  12. Fixed links (commit: 320f4e9) (details)
  13. Removed messages (commit: 66ddf5e) (details)
  14. Associate new schema urls (commit: 0bf5670) (details)
  15. Sort error classes by frequency (commit: 52852d2) (details)
  16. fixup! Fixed links (commit: ba4806c) (details)
  17. highlight-errors compatibility with older python versions (commit: 4cd3c1c) (details)
  18. nested <change> requires <listChange> (commit: 6a2b338) (details)
  19. alt/@targets (commit: 704390d) (details)
  20. transposeGrp directly below profileDesc instead of in creation (commit: b281d80) (details)
  21. grLine and grBrace need @unit and @quantity (commit: 4d299cf) (details)
  22. @source for <supplied> (commit: 6879fa1) (details)
  23. <date> and <num> in lines (commit: fcae011) (details)
  24. include prints in default tei report (commit: 8aa788d) (details)
  25. include reading text (commit: abef7d3) (details)
  26. Exclude test resources (commit: c7b0bce) (details)
  27. Implementation of other XML cleanup steps: (commit: 717ea45) (details)
  28. fixup! Implementation of other XML cleanup steps: (commit: 93f1f13) (details)
  29. Do not translate stage/emph to hi (commit: b527080) (details)
  30. name -> hi cf. faust-gen-html/issues#46 (commit: 5b1653a) (details)
  31. Allow speaker in rdg (commit: a35b4fa) (details)
  32. Further encoding decisions and fixes. (commit: 3161ada) (details)
  33. Removed undocumentary sic and corr (commit: ede715c) (details)
  34. ge:used → metamark. (commit: cbd8bfc) (details)
  35. wrong restored substs. (commit: eb7f7b1) (details)
  36. sp without speech → stage / hi (commit: 9c2960a) (details)
  37. avoid ambiguousity in sp handling (commit: a6f5e61) (details)
  38. fixup! sp without speech → stage / hi (commit: bf1057d) (details)
  39. Allow listChange inside change (commit: 0f3c65b) (details)
  40. don’t validate all the test files (commit: 32426a8) (details)
  41. with f:st, rend attributes like vertical could get lost (commit: f6d4fe1) (details)
  42. Removed sp cleanup, probably too complex (commit: 156b642) (details)
  43. Fixed corr handling for sourcedocs (commit: b01d386) (details)
  44. fixup! Fixed corr handling for sourcedocs (commit: e8f93cb) (details)
  45. Made last-stage rule idempotent (commit: 72881d3) (details)
  46. Changenote for the conversion (commit: 7a3542f) (details)
  47. Undo f:overw -> mod translation (commit: 2b6070d) (details)
  48. PReliminary non-working header addition (commit: 97b2d65) (details)
  49. Header for transcripts. (commit: add5ca4) (details)
  50. @rend=inbetween and strikethrough. (commit: c58bc60) (details)
  51. Allow listChange inside change. (commit: 74511ce) (details)
  52. Allow f:revType on undo. (commit: bdd2173) (details)
  53. f:markedBy in att.changeRelated (commit: d806108) (details)
  54. Fixed #4 (commit: a70e315) (details)
  55. Make sure metadata is saved before it is read (commit: 8ec4b13) (details)
  56. One schema doesitall (commit: 96c3fdc) (details)
  57. f:markedBy for seg (commit: 6f36bfb) (details)
  58. new macrogenesis schema (commit: 6108231) (details)
  59. Updated data (commit: bc95fbe) (details)
  60. Oxygen project (commit: 9e6d4b0) (details)
  61. Adjusted schema url and change note (commit: d3b1ddb) (details)
Commit b57b982e67bf95f3f767d0ea6369fa0c0c152dba by Thorsten Vitt
First attempt at schema conversion.
Cf. faustedition/xml#42
(commit: b57b982)
The file was addedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit ed7ae52fd258d811f51cd17befa9e72c20a05706 by Thorsten Vitt
(commit: ed7ae52)
The file was addedfaust-schema.xpr
Commit bdf53b480edc4c787a6c80c60251e2efa0480db8 by Thorsten Vitt
fixup! project
(commit: bdf53b4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
Commit a7fd2c68b3ec9785e21902fa168839c6fb39f365 by Thorsten Vitt
Conversion workflow
(commit: a7fd2c6)
The file was addedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
Commit c548d663855cf935362e2663fd8f5f201823e4d1 by Thorsten Vitt
Include converted transcripts in workflow
(commit: c548d66)
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validate-all.xpl
Commit cbb86cefd8cd761184ef5f9b341ebec27af0c8de by Thorsten Vitt
Handle TEI element to pull ns decls up
(commit: cbb86ce)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
Commit 9117589a4e19cf9d6ee96f6b0f895cc7d829100b by Thorsten Vitt
Removed option which caused broken schemas with 3.4.0
(commit: 9117589)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/generate-schemas.xpl
Commit 59edc2b0dfe7a562a91daefe16b9da0d68edb815 by Thorsten Vitt
Mainly working version for new TEI schema
(commit: 59edc2b)
The file was modifieddata
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was removedsrc/main/odd/printed_editions.xml
The file was modifiedfaust-schema.xpr
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validate-all.xpl
The file was removedsrc/main/odd/printed_editions_neu.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/generate-schemas.xpl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit 605cb035e609210f084797c88802eb66faeecb74 by Thorsten Vitt
Updated project
(commit: 605cb03)
The file was modifiedfaust-schema.xpr
Commit 1a8a2175870eb23b42a6927a4b786553c25e181b by Thorsten Vitt
added old printed editions schema again
(commit: 1a8a217)
The file was addedsrc/main/odd/printed_editions.xml
The file was addedsrc/main/odd/printed_editions_neu.xml
Commit ffb210f8f386489791522972887d80a306d80592 by Thorsten Vitt
Link HTMLized copies of invalid TEI files
(commit: ffb210f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validate-all.xpl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validation-report.xsl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validate-xml.xpl
The file was addedsrc/main/tools/
Commit 320f4e935153530d1e7b83a399fa288edd094f68 by Thorsten Vitt
Fixed links
(commit: 320f4e9)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validate-all.xpl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validate-xml.xpl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validation-report.xsl
Commit 66ddf5e3b8d6537552ec67a47256dff6718e2472 by Thorsten Vitt
Removed messages
(commit: 66ddf5e)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validation-report.xsl
Commit 0bf567077094c4eaa9f2fb481796d1913c696c4c by Thorsten Vitt
Associate new schema urls
(commit: 0bf5670)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
Commit 52852d2ff5c6ab1b25822c3de9c0a7a8e8218fd8 by Thorsten Vitt
Sort error classes by frequency
(commit: 52852d2)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validation-report.xsl
Commit ba4806c51d1dcdedcb2e647b44e7fc4683e11f80 by Thorsten Vitt
fixup! Fixed links
(commit: ba4806c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validation-report.xsl
Commit 4cd3c1cff1d32079a28149a1789f8b3a4b231cf2 by Thorsten Vitt
highlight-errors compatibility with older python versions
(commit: 4cd3c1c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/tools/
Commit 6a2b3389615af642b93cad3f1906cd533c531aee by Thorsten Vitt
nested <change> requires <listChange>
cf. faustedition/xml#595
(commit: 6a2b338)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
Commit 704390d6ab6ea61be25718808abb96e9dc03cb09 by Thorsten Vitt
Cf. faustedition/xml#596
(commit: 704390d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
Commit b281d80e2a648e8da6bed1fce33b5824b74aa1f5 by Thorsten Vitt
transposeGrp directly below profileDesc instead of in creation
Cf. faustedition/xml#596
(commit: b281d80)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
Commit 4d299cf070514c7ac0513241752907b490c19346 by Thorsten Vitt
grLine and grBrace need @unit and @quantity
Cf. faustedition/xml#596
(commit: 4d299cf)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit 6879fa1934b5758e7fe8f74b33f8624c296c4abc by Thorsten Vitt
@source for <supplied>
Cf. faustedition/xml#596
(commit: 6879fa1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit fcae011a470bd0b3db7da800157256e5d4488db8 by Thorsten Vitt
<date> and <num> in lines
Cf. faustedition/xml#596
(commit: fcae011)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit 8aa788d56d72d7e4d3fc5462a01d1a1e5e471af9 by Thorsten Vitt
include prints in default tei report
(commit: 8aa788d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validate-all.xpl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
Commit abef7d3febda56aceb278f0b6646d0a0d87b2321 by Thorsten Vitt
include reading text
(commit: abef7d3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
Commit c7b0bceb8bf99384d3217bfc351172a8264a37c7 by Thorsten Vitt
Exclude test resources
(commit: c7b0bce)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
Commit 717ea45ed065190047a8833d7e3dc36efce38e87 by Thorsten Vitt
Implementation of other XML cleanup steps:
faustedition/faust-gen-html#46 faustedition/faust-gen-html#47
faustedition/faust-gen-html#53 faustedition/faust-gen-html#175
(commit: 717ea45)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
The file was addedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit 93f1f13ced25400330e5a7507ed8e89d8586bfd8 by Thorsten Vitt
fixup! Implementation of other XML cleanup steps:
(commit: 93f1f13)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit b52708009769e99c843f9bedaba03acd71be7a11 by Thorsten Vitt
Do not translate stage/emph to hi
Cf. faustedition/faust-gen-html#47
(commit: b527080)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit 5b1653a0dd917c4ec51e89acd3e483bea3be5c1c by Thorsten Vitt
name -> hi cf. faust-gen-html/issues#46
(commit: 5b1653a)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit a35b4fa484c94d2b216bba118838456222c22451 by Thorsten Vitt
Allow speaker in rdg
(commit: a35b4fa)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit 3161ada5150acdb5297d768e38b4a62f07974657 by Thorsten Vitt
Further encoding decisions and fixes.
Fixes faustedition/xml#595
(commit: 3161ada)
The file was modifieddata
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit ede715cdf687408946c2d2fab93e90fd5fe44f75 by Thorsten Vitt
Removed undocumentary sic and corr
Cf. faustedition/xml#595
(commit: ede715c)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit cbd8bfc7603cc6968d4adf2b5779dec19e360647 by Thorsten Vitt
ge:used → metamark.
Cf. faustedition/xml#606
(commit: cbd8bfc)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
Commit eb7f7b1f54d4b8160d4496d9471cfabf553d0834 by Thorsten Vitt
wrong restored substs.
Hopefully resolves but needs
(commit: eb7f7b1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit 9c2960a6a80aa3e3a8b9e2af7a85ce566d122998 by Thorsten Vitt
sp without speech → stage / hi
Cf. faustedition/xml#607
(commit: 9c2960a)
The file was modifieddata
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit a6f5e613e76418d5dee8d4eb1e2365ea6fb632b0 by Thorsten Vitt
avoid ambiguousity in sp handling
(commit: a6f5e61)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
Commit bf1057d9dbd2d58186c5700f55f637b5df585105 by Thorsten Vitt
fixup! sp without speech → stage / hi
(commit: bf1057d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit 0f3c65b793ab1f6723aed813e0a23868009119f0 by Thorsten Vitt
Allow listChange inside change
(commit: 0f3c65b)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit 32426a865222f4b36776f18866fb425d251d3ce8 by Thorsten Vitt
don’t validate all the test files
(commit: 32426a8)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/validate-all.xpl
Commit f6d4fe1d2dfe766c50190605900ccd0b51b9c849 by Thorsten Vitt
with f:st, rend attributes like vertical could get lost
(commit: f6d4fe1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
Commit 156b642f02b98f4fb0ee7854871f137e956609b7 by Thorsten Vitt
Removed sp cleanup, probably too complex
(commit: 156b642)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit b01d386a49190d9d7a8c95e5c20fcdad5f9012de by Thorsten Vitt
Fixed corr handling for sourcedocs
(commit: b01d386)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit e8f93cbadb2eeb42ad8c59e99db16fd5c69d8f4b by Thorsten Vitt
fixup! Fixed corr handling for sourcedocs
(commit: e8f93cb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit 72881d3dad8b654fbe2903d66f0780fede2c135c by Thorsten Vitt
Made last-stage rule idempotent
Fixes faustedition/xml#616
(commit: 72881d3)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/xml-source-issues.xsl
Commit 7a3542fad3f352d7a7a08a4aade8dd8611dd9cb8 by Thorsten Vitt
Changenote for the conversion
(commit: 7a3542f)
The file was addedsrc/main/xproc/changenote.xsl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
Commit 2b6070d601a04c2e67b2bed49527a849f0ae1611 by Thorsten Vitt
Undo f:overw -> mod translation
Cf. faustedition/faust-xml#648
(commit: 2b6070d)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl
Commit 97b2d65097bdf8948cd772c26706cde75bab10f7 by Thorsten Vitt
PReliminary non-working header addition
(commit: 97b2d65)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
The file was addedsrc/main/xproc/header.xsl
Commit add5ca45d2b98daa5d698223c746d01c330ed0d3 by Thorsten Vitt
Header for transcripts.
(commit: add5ca4)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/header.xsl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
Commit c58bc60072477bf2c1fd06ca51f63e8103cd5c8d by Thorsten Vitt
@rend=inbetween and strikethrough.
Fixes #8
(commit: c58bc60)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit 74511ce72e957a01778052f3e1e27b62ff3f09b8 by Thorsten Vitt
Allow listChange inside change.
Fixes #7
(commit: 74511ce)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit bdd21735c577b3559c4fdd5fd57a10cea25091ed by Thorsten Vitt
Allow f:revType on undo.
Fixes #6
(commit: bdd2173)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit d806108fbd072a9cab07550fab0f8f85d827c857 by Thorsten Vitt
f:markedBy in att.changeRelated
(commit: d806108)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit a70e3153334f449b1d08165300077488c1d919af by Thorsten Vitt
Fixed #4
(commit: a70e315)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit 8ec4b130348715718611193a939a15b3e920ac0f by Thorsten Vitt
Make sure metadata is saved before it is read
(commit: 8ec4b13)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
Commit 96c3fdcf47cabbc03248642db12b22a448ff8903 by Thorsten Vitt
One schema doesitall
(commit: 96c3fdc)
The file was removedsrc/main/odd/printed_editions.xml
The file was removedsrc/main/odd/printed_editions_neu.xml
Commit 6f36bfbfd671b3bd1b9040836f6481edb175cbc9 by Thorsten Vitt
f:markedBy for seg
fixes #5
(commit: 6f36bfb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/odd/faust-tei.xml
Commit 61082312ce51b4d5c98b25207fc1446a014191c2 by Thorsten Vitt
new macrogenesis schema
(commit: 6108231)
The file was addedsrc/main/xsd/macrogenesis.rnc
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xsd/macrogenesis.xsd
The file was addedsrc/main/xsd/macrogenesis.rng
Commit bc95fbe5ada894a66e04aca1779cdf26887ba640 by Thorsten Vitt
Updated data
(commit: bc95fbe)
The file was modifieddata
Commit 9e6d4b0bd4a2f7192b0e3ca8a9ba6c7007fe4d1c by Thorsten Vitt
Oxygen project
(commit: 9e6d4b0)
The file was modifiedfaust-schema.xpr
Commit d3b1ddba7d95895453b100ae0514979f2694a319 by Thorsten Vitt
Adjusted schema url and change note
(commit: d3b1ddb)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/convert-transcripts.xpl
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc/update-tei-sources.xsl