Started 10 yr ago
Took 14 sec on build1

Build TextGrid :: Metadataschema JAXB binding (Aug 13, 2013, 11:14:06 AM)

Build Artifacts
metadata-core-jaxb-1.0.2-javadoc.jar267.15 KB view
metadata-core-jaxb-1.0.2-sources.jar54.98 KB view
metadata-core-jaxb-1.0.2.jar62.32 KB view
metadata-core-jaxb-1.0.2.pom2.77 KB view
  1. - adapted module to correct package names and structure, due to sonar errors
    - version increased to 1.0.2
    - hope it helps! :-)
    by fugu
  2. Changes metadata schema file location to
    by fugu