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Build TextGrid :: ElasticSearch Utils (Aug 13, 2013, 11:14:06 AM)

Build Artifacts
esutils-0.2.1-SNAPSHOT.pom2.78 KB view
  1. ähm? just formatted i think...
    by fugu
  2. Addeed Fatihs ES file.
    by fugu
  3. - updated esutils version, jenkins seems to not be working with 0.2.0 version
    - minor changes
    by fugu
  4. adapted test App class.
    by fugu
  5. updated version to 0.2.0
    by fugu
  6. Using MetadataContainerType as input now, instead of metadata input Stream, maybe we could use two constructors...  >> TODO! (detail)
    by fugu
  7. close streams after read (detail)
    by veentjer
  8. add elastic search utils (detail)
    by veentjer