Getting Started with pyDelta’s next branch¶
pyDelta’s next branch contains our work-in-progress implementation of experiments using Delta variants as a python library. We assume you have installed the library using pip
First, let’s import the delta package:
import delta
Loading the corpus and preparing the feature matrix¶
The Corpus class represents the corpus as a bag-of-words feature matrix. In its simplest form, you can just call Corpus
and pass it the directory your texts reside in:
raw_corpus = delta.Corpus('../../refcor/English')
This simple form assumes your texts in plain text files following the pattern Author_Title.txt
. The reference corpora of English, French and German novels we use can be found on Github. If your corpus looks different, or if you need other ways of feature extraction than our simple tokenizer regular expression, have a look at the full documentation of our Corpus class for ways of parametrizing or further customizing feature extraction.
is simply a subclass of pandas’ DataFrame. The rows represent the documents, the columns the individual types. Let’s look at the Corpus’ top left corner:
(75, 87829)
the | and | to | of | a | I | in | was | that | he | |
ward_ashe | 6904.0 | 4523.0 | 3498.0 | 4071.0 | 3185.0 | 1859.0 | 2278.0 | 1928.0 | 1528.0 | 1466.0 |
blackmore_springhaven | 9965.0 | 6555.0 | 5865.0 | 6539.0 | 4637.0 | 2896.0 | 2449.0 | 2156.0 | 2572.0 | 2244.0 |
stevenson_island | 4075.0 | 2680.0 | 1508.0 | 1671.0 | 1720.0 | 1965.0 | 932.0 | 1130.0 | 857.0 | 808.0 |
thackeray_esmond | 9742.0 | 7992.0 | 4907.0 | 5541.0 | 4158.0 | 1898.0 | 2981.0 | 2755.0 | 2432.0 | 2385.0 |
ward_milly | 2098.0 | 2189.0 | 1262.0 | 716.0 | 1058.0 | 596.0 | 565.0 | 563.0 | 364.0 | 298.0 |
The matrix contains the absolute frequencies of each word in each document, columns are sorted by the sum of all absolute frequencies.
Corpus has a few methods to manipulate the feature matrix, e.g., to perform culling: To remove all tokens that are not present in at least ⅓ of all documents, use
culled_corpus = raw_corpus.cull(1/3)
(75, 10039)
Unless documented otherwise, these method return a new modified corpus instead of changing the current one.
For most experiments, you’ll want to work on the relative frequencies of the :math:`n most frequent words <delta.html#corpus.Corpus.topn>`__. There is a combined method for that:
c2500 = raw_corpus.get_mfw_table(2500)
Using delta functions to create a distance matrix¶
pydelta provides a number of delta functions by name that all produce a distance matrix. To run, e.g., Cosine Delta on our corpus from above:
distances = delta.functions.cosine_delta(c2500)
ward_ashe | blackmore_springhaven | stevenson_island | thackeray_esmond | ward_milly | |
ward_ashe | 0.000000 | 1.172292 | 1.102327 | 1.036012 | 1.014371 |
blackmore_springhaven | 1.172292 | 0.000000 | 0.901935 | 0.949230 | 0.999159 |
stevenson_island | 1.102327 | 0.901935 | 0.000000 | 1.059726 | 0.874804 |
thackeray_esmond | 1.036012 | 0.949230 | 1.059726 | 0.000000 | 1.082447 |
ward_milly | 1.014371 | 0.999159 | 0.874804 | 1.082447 | 0.000000 |
It is possible to run a few evaluations already on the distance matrix:
F-Ratio 0.405758
Fisher's LD 1.328287
Simple Score 3.613850
dtype: float64
F-Ratio and Fisher’s Linear Discriminant are established measures (see Heeringa et al., 2008), to calculate the Simple Score we first standardize the distances and then calculate the difference between the mean distances between out-group and in-group texts (i.e., texts by different authors and texts by the same author).
You can also get the distances as a flat table. This will effectively return a flattened version of the lower right triangle of the distance matrix above, as scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(distances)
would do, but with a proper index:
ward_ashe blackmore_springhaven 1.172292
stevenson_island 1.102327
thackeray_esmond 1.036012
ward_milly 1.014371
burnett_lord 0.953704
james_muse lytton_novel 0.989467
doyle_lost 1.054597
james_ambassadors lytton_novel 1.017272
doyle_lost 0.982058
lytton_novel doyle_lost 1.064256
Name: cosine_delta, Length: 2775, dtype: float64
Clustering results¶
It is common to use clustering on the basis of the distance matrix in order to group similar texts. pydeltas Clustering class is a convenience wrapper around hierarchical clustering methods, of which Ward clustering is the default:
clustering = delta.Clustering(distances)
A hierarchical clustering is typically visualized using a Dendrogram. We’ve included an implementation that colors by author and provides labels using the DocumentDescriber that is assigned when creating the corpus:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
/home/tv/git/pydelta/delta/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Passing the pad parameter of tight_layout() positionally is deprecated since Matplotlib 3.3; the parameter will become keyword-only two minor releases later.
For any but a visual inspection, it is probably best to cut through the hierarchical clustering to provide flat clusters. This can be done with default settings from the hierarchical clustering:
clusters = clustering.fclustering()
25 clusters of 75 documents (ground truth: 25 groups):
{1: ['blackmore: springhaven', 'blackmore: erema', 'blackmore: lorna'],
2: ['morris: water', 'morris: roots', 'morris: wood'],
3: ['stevenson: island', 'stevenson: arrow', 'doyle: micah',
'stevenson: catriona'],
4: ['haggard: mist', 'haggard: sheallan', 'haggard: mines'],
5: ['doyle: hound', 'doyle: lost'],
6: ['chesterton: napoleon', 'chesterton: thursday', 'chesterton: innocence'],
7: ['kipling: kim', 'kipling: light', 'kipling: captains'],
8: ['cbronte: shirley', 'cbronte: villette', 'cbronte: jane'],
9: ['barclay: ladies', 'barclay: rosary', 'barclay: postern'],
10: ['corelli: innocent', 'corelli: romance', 'corelli: satan'],
11: ['ward: milly', 'burnett: lord', 'burnett: garden', 'burnett: princess'],
12: ['gaskell: lovers', 'gaskell: ruth', 'gaskell: wives'],
13: ['eliot: adam', 'eliot: daniel', 'eliot: felix'],
14: ['dickens: bleak', 'dickens: oliver', 'dickens: expectations'],
15: ['ward: ashe', 'ward: harvest'],
16: ['hardy: tess', 'hardy: jude', 'hardy: madding'],
17: ['lytton: what', 'lytton: kenelm', 'lytton: novel'],
18: ['meredith: marriage', 'meredith: feverel', 'meredith: richmond'],
19: ['thackeray: esmond', 'thackeray: pendennis', 'thackeray: virginians'],
20: ['braddon: fortune', 'braddon: quest', 'braddon: audley'],
21: ['gissing: warburton', 'gissing: unclassed', 'gissing: women'],
22: ['collins: basil', 'collins: woman', 'collins: legacy'],
23: ['forster: angels', 'forster: howards', 'forster: room'],
24: ['trollope: angel', 'trollope: warden', 'trollope: phineas'],
25: ['james: hudson', 'james: muse', 'james: ambassadors']}
There are also some measures of cluster quality built into our class:
Cluster Errors 2.000000
Adjusted Rand Index 0.932358
Homogeneity 0.981365
Completeness 0.984136
V Measure 0.982749
Purity 0.973333
Entropy 0.018635
dtype: float64