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  1. ZIP: Don't forget the work objects. If an edition is associated with a work object that it doesn't aggregate, the work object is manually added to the aggregation tree.
  2. Improved error message for objects with missing metadata
  3. Actually use the SID in EPUB mode
  4. Fixed Content-Disposition header. Work around a problem in Android by removing the space inside the header (after the ;). Additionally, we deliver EPUBs with ASCII safe names now
Revision 14164 by vitt:
ZIP: Don't forget the work objects.

If an edition is associated with a work object that it doesn't
aggregate, the work object is manually added to the aggregation tree.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/services/aggregator/src/main/java/info/textgrid/services/aggregator/tree/AggregationTreeFactory.javaN/A
Revision 14163 by vitt:
Improved error message for objects with missing metadata
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/services/aggregator/src/main/java/info/textgrid/services/aggregator/AggregationTreeWalker.javaN/A
Revision 14162 by vitt:
Actually use the SID in EPUB mode
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/services/aggregator/src/main/java/info/textgrid/services/aggregator/epub/EPUB.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/services/aggregator/src/main/java/info/textgrid/services/aggregator/epub/EPUBSerializer.javaN/A
Revision 14161 by vitt:
Fixed Content-Disposition header.

Work around a problem in Android by removing the space inside the header
(after the ;). Additionally, we deliver EPUBs with ASCII safe names now
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/services/aggregator/src/main/java/info/textgrid/services/aggregator/RESTUtils.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/services/aggregator/src/main/java/info/textgrid/services/aggregator/epub/EPUB.javaN/A