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  1. Testimonies: Don't truncate long lines (commit: 4b46bfb) (details)
  2. Updated submodules. (commit: 9e43c76) (details)
Commit 4b46bfbf5c21a51beda7e02569e7f820dec98403 by Thorsten Vitt
Testimonies: Don't truncate long lines
(commit: 4b46bfb)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 9e43c76838ccba5e01760d6e3bb6e072ace9dbd3 by Thorsten Vitt
Updated submodules.
Submodule data 33aaad3..59aad8d:
>  Updated xml files Submodule src/main/web 2478e69..1511723:
> Testimonies: Don't truncate long cells
> Flush-right notes.
> Added paralipomena and testimonies to sitemap.
> Complete draft of release notes
> Expand help section on search
> Extend readme
> Remove passage about parallel view
> Begin release notes for beta 2
> "Handschriften" for "archivalische Dokumente"
> Revert ""Handschriften" for "archivalische Dokumente""
> "Handschriften" for "archivalische Dokumente"
> Correct credits to Yale University Library
> Update link
> Archive release notes on beta 1
> Format passage about statistics
> Correct info on mss outside the GSA
> Reference to more further statistical information
> Update statistics for mss outside the GSA
> Update GSA manuscripts statistics Submodule src/main/xproc
> Suppress editorial notes. Fixes #88
> Updated oxygen project
> Ignore <s> in prose-to-lines content.
> Updated bibliography (Wiki)
> (Re-)enabled page numbers in prints.
(commit: 9e43c76)
The file was modified src/main/web (diff)
The file was modified src/main/xproc (diff)
The file was modified data (diff)