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  1. Task/Properties config for preparing Macrogen builds (commit: 54fe565) (details)
  2. Make sure report dir exists (commit: ca48946) (details)
  3. allow to pass in options for macrogen via gradle (commit: 44f2d2f) (details)
Commit 54fe565b63e248a1172d55a5e5df466e4b65c3ef by Thorsten Vitt
Task/Properties config for preparing Macrogen builds
buildSrc of subprojects isn’t read …
(commit: 54fe565)
The file was modified build.gradle (diff)
The file was removedbuildSrc/src/main/groovy/MacrogenExec.groovy
The file was modified src/macrogen/ (diff)
Commit 44f2d2ffaf46f7c0bbed355092a158302b0adbf7 by Thorsten Vitt
allow to pass in options for macrogen via gradle
(commit: 44f2d2f)
The file was modified build.gradle (diff)