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  1. Send TGUri directly to Gloss Publisher. Allow all aggregations to be published as the gloss aggregation does not work correctly right now.
Revision 13189 by cradl:
Send TGUri directly to Gloss Publisher.
Allow all aggregations to be published as the gloss aggregation does not work correctly right now.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/lab/glosses/info.textgrid.lab.glosses/plugin.xml (diff)N/A
The file was added/trunk/lab/glosses/info.textgrid.lab.glosses/src/info/textgrid/lab/glosses/handlers/Publish.javaN/A
The file was modified /trunk/lab/glosses/info.textgrid.lab.glosses/src/info/textgrid/lab/glosses/handlers/ (diff)N/A
The file was modified /trunk/lab/glosses/info.textgrid.lab.glosses/src/info/textgrid/lab/glosses/tester/ (diff)N/A
The file was modified /trunk/lab/glosses/info.textgrid.lab.glosses/src/info/textgrid/lab/glosses/views/ (diff)N/A