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  1. Martin only needs the document inline for processing metadata (which don't come as base64 from CRUD), so we allow the document inline and the stylesheet as base64 to avoid that conversion hassle.
Revision 8729 by vitt:
Martin only needs the document inline for processing metadata (which don't come as base64 from CRUD), so we allow the document inline and the stylesheet as base64 to avoid that conversion hassle.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /branches/sedit.xslt.resolving/src/main/java/info/textgrid/services/sedit/xslt/service/StreamingEditorImpl.javaN/A
The file was modified /branches/sedit.xslt.resolving/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/StreamingEditor.wsdlN/A
The file was modified /branches/sedit.xslt.resolving/src/test/java/info/textgrid/services/sedit/xslt/service/StreamingEditorImplTest.javaN/A