Started 10 yr ago
Took 1 min 7 sec on build1

Build develop #35 (Jun 10, 2014, 10:32:57 AM)

  1. Removed Eclipse-specifics from version control (details / redmineweb)
  2. Extract test superclass (details / redmineweb)
  3. Skeleton for a configurable filename policy (details / redmineweb)
  4. AggregationTree: Optional work link in Aggregation (details / redmineweb)
  5. Added sub-policies (details / redmineweb)
  6. More policies + documentation (details / redmineweb)
  7. Refactored the configurable policy to a builder. (details / redmineweb)
  8. Support for unambiguous filenames (details / redmineweb)
  9. Support recursive subpolicies (-> parent) (details / redmineweb)
  10. fix: initialisation order (details / redmineweb)
  11. Fixed max-length option (details / redmineweb)
  12. Fixed the author|fallback option (details / redmineweb)
  13. ImportMapping retains insert order now (and is iterable) (details / redmineweb)
  14. Fixed the test that depended on the "undefined" order (details / redmineweb)

Started by an SCM change

Revision: d57cfa259087ef91d24dfe69f8618bf3d9c4ba1f
  • origin/develop
Test Result (no failures)
    Maven Deployments: <ul> <li><a href="">link-rewriter-core-0.3.4-20140610.083403-2.jar</a></li> <li><a href="">link-rewriter-core-0.3.4-20140610.083403-2.pom</a></li> <li><a href="">link-rewriter-core-0.3.4-20140610.083403-2-sources.jar</a></li> <li><a href="">link-rewriter-core-0.3.4-20140610.083403-2-javadoc.jar</a></li> </ul>

    Module Builds

     Link Rewriting Package (didn’t run)
     Link Rewriter45 sec
     Link Rewriter Library OSGi bundle (didn’t run)

    Downstream Builds