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  1. preliminary support for new paths.xml (commit: 8cded27) (details)
  2. Added gradle task for generateSVGs (commit: 350cb85) (details)
  3. Improved generateSVGs task etc. (commit: d88bedb) (details)
  4. Fixed web copy task (commit: cc45a67) (details)
  5. updated submodule (commit: 121a1e1) (details)
  6. Added the gradle wrapper (commit: c17c72a) (details)
  7. configured gradle subproject (commit: c9ca82b) (details)
  8. Fixed symlinks in svg_rendering/page (commit: d1a6949) (details)
  9. Gradle rules for gitignore (commit: 02deab6) (details)
  10. updated submodule (commit: 2eca21f) (details)
  11. fixup! Fixed symlinks in svg_rendering/page (commit: d84b06e) (details)
  12. Added a subproject for macrogenesis (commit: 783ae99) (details)
  13. updated submodules (commit: 673f271) (details)
  14. converted eXist properties to be gradle compatible (commit: 69de1b9) (details)
  15. updated submodule (commit: 47cf777) (details)
  16. Experimental deployment to eXist (commit: b85b923) (details)
  17. Adjust Firefox/SlimerJS dependencies to Gradle 6 (commit: 61334b3) (details)
  18. switch some repos to https (commit: e08f32b) (details)
  19. added missing dependency (commit: 92482f2) (details)
  20. use puppeteer-based svg rendering in gradle build (commit: d26e86a) (details)
  21. updated submodules (commit: 17f9807) (details)
  22. run 'npm install' in faust-web (commit: aac16c7) (details)
  23. Maven repository config (commit: 56afdaf) (details)
  24. Updated submodules (commit: d3a1245) (details)
  25. Subproject: Merged branch 'gradle' (commit: e64c005) (details)
  26. Adjust for mvn+gradle compatibility (commit: 51c0315) (details)
  27. README: Note on gradle transition (commit: f2bd6f7) (details)
Commit 8cded275a69c4c8f857151ddd8e5c390f3eaa786 by Thorsten Vitt
preliminary support for new paths.xml
(commit: 8cded27)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc
The file was modifiedpom.xml
Commit 350cb858aa633f05d145407cec482592ed85812d by Thorsten Vitt
Added gradle task for generateSVGs
(commit: 350cb85)
The file was addedbuild.gradle
Commit d88bedb706cb78489fc38a24b64cea05a85f4ae5 by Thorsten Vitt
Improved generateSVGs task etc.
(commit: d88bedb)
The file was
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/net/faustedition/gen/
Commit cc45a679fff7c23cfc859f696abd8c4a9d4b287a by Thorsten Vitt
Fixed web copy task
(commit: cc45a67)
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
The file was addedbuildSrc/src/main/groovy/CopyWithSymlink.groovy
Commit 121a1e151dd4609414592afdf0083c69bafdfba3 by Thorsten Vitt
updated submodule
(commit: 121a1e1)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc
Commit c17c72aedc87a926c5642d2ccff343310add18a9 by Thorsten Vitt
Added the gradle wrapper
(commit: c17c72a)
The file was addedgradlew.bat
The file was addedgradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
The file was addedgradlew
The file was addedgradle/wrapper/
Commit c9ca82b8cb917cb15050ba80c55bf4a4597c6c6b by Thorsten Vitt
configured gradle subproject
(commit: c9ca82b)
The file was addedsettings.gradle
Commit d1a694954898f2fcfd75f55b9669c761975c6e7c by Thorsten Vitt
Fixed symlinks in svg_rendering/page

This hard-codes the build directory, making it a suboptimal solution.
Maybe it would be better to copy the rendering directory and the stuff
from the web page to temporary build directory.
(commit: d1a6949)
The file was modifiedsvg_rendering/page/css
The file was modifiedsvg_rendering/page/webfonts
The file was modifiedsvg_rendering/page/img
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
The file was modifiedsvg_rendering/page/json
Commit 02deab632b04c2e2ba323aafcb86bae01b60ee53 by Thorsten Vitt
Gradle rules for gitignore
(commit: 02deab6)
The file was modified.gitignore
The file was addedbuildSrc/.gitignore
Commit 2eca21f3c9a4b1c7ec425b5147929c19d4479bb8 by Thorsten Vitt
updated submodule
(commit: 2eca21f)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc
Commit d84b06ecab49bb72c54d641f1f962f0169e176ff by Thorsten Vitt
fixup! Fixed symlinks in svg_rendering/page
(commit: d84b06e)
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
Commit 783ae9976b46594553f338c969a162024d85bc27 by Thorsten Vitt
Added a subproject for macrogenesis
(commit: 783ae99)
The file was modifiedsettings.gradle
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
The file was modified.gitmodules
The file was addedmacrogen
Commit 673f271275baf67f5faa267e9464803985a969d0 by Thorsten Vitt
updated submodules
(commit: 673f271)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/web
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc
Commit 69de1b933246dc92e73d3b1713f3c394bc477d50 by Thorsten Vitt
converted eXist properties to be gradle compatible
(commit: 69de1b9)
The file was
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
Commit 47cf777de3c594e78544495521779b150493640f by Thorsten Vitt
updated submodule
(commit: 47cf777)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/web
Commit b85b9230e00c47cc52d51932d167743a36000182 by Thorsten Vitt
Experimental deployment to eXist
(commit: b85b923)
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
Commit 61334b3304610ea7a96231b1a6b5547eea13d1d8 by Thorsten Vitt
Adjust Firefox/SlimerJS dependencies to Gradle 6
(commit: 61334b3)
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
Commit e08f32b5728070d6c474f1fd08ad4adf4076fe66 by Thorsten Vitt
switch some repos to https
(commit: e08f32b)
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
The file was modifieddata
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc
The file was modifiedmacrogen
Commit 92482f2164c7f6e596893e58660fd9e020584c4a by Thorsten Vitt
added missing dependency
(commit: 92482f2)
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
Commit d26e86aa9b3a56b7ce00879b41e3773745352174 by Thorsten Vitt
use puppeteer-based svg rendering in gradle build
(commit: d26e86a)
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
Commit 17f9807d736c343ee1446f54d6daed9e58884bec by Thorsten Vitt
updated submodules
(commit: 17f9807)
The file was modifiedmacrogen
The file was modifiedsrc/main/web
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc
Commit aac16c7e6505693285b4ad9b2bb829646f7a21ed by Thorsten Vitt
run 'npm install' in faust-web
(commit: aac16c7)
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
Commit 56afdaf5ad2ca6bbcb47307194e6dc3bf10729b3 by Thorsten Vitt
Maven repository config
(commit: 56afdaf)
The file was modifiedbuild.gradle
The file was modifiedsrc/main/web
Commit d3a1245a97a5d501961477107cdce3a7d4c073f0 by Thorsten Vitt
Updated submodules
(commit: d3a1245)
The file was modifieddata
The file was modifiedmacrogen
The file was modifiedsrc/main/web
Commit e64c005f5119a5750c4ff3cff5e0097d6d97fce7 by Thorsten Vitt
Subproject: Merged branch 'gradle'
(commit: e64c005)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/xproc
Commit 51c0315d759e555dbc627c6d5378a0e11152c8b6 by Thorsten Vitt
Adjust for mvn+gradle compatibility
(commit: 51c0315)
The file was addedtarget
The file was modifiedpom.xml
The file was addedsrc/main/xproc-config/paths.xml
Commit f2bd6f7f12b31a6d742cd0efd1bf2bdf295964a6 by Thorsten Vitt
README: Note on gradle transition
(commit: f2bd6f7)
The file was