Source code for delta.cluster

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Clustering of distance matrixes.

:class:`Clustering` represents a hierarchical clustering which can be flattened
using :meth:`Clustering.fcluster`, the flattened clustering is then represented
by :class:`FlatClustering`.

If supported by the installed version of scikit-learn, there is also a

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from pprint import pformat
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
from delta.util import Metadata
from delta.deltas import DistanceMatrix
from delta.corpus import Corpus
from sklearn import metrics

[docs]class Clustering: """ Represents a hierarchical clustering. Note: This is subject to refactoring once we implement more clustering methods """ def __init__(self, distance_matrix, method="ward", **kwargs): self.metadata = Metadata(distance_matrix.metadata, cluster_method=method, **kwargs) self.distance_matrix = distance_matrix self.describer = distance_matrix.document_describer self.method = method self.linkage = self._calc_linkage() def _calc_linkage(self): if self.method == "ward": return sch.ward(ssd.squareform(self.distance_matrix, force="tovector")) else: return sch.linkage(ssd.squareform(self.distance_matrix), method=self.method, metric="euclidean")
[docs] def fclustering(self): """ Returns a default flat clustering from the hierarchical version. This method uses the :class:`DocumentDescriber` to determine the groups, and uses the number of groups as a maxclust criterion. Returns: FlatClustering: A properly initialized representation of the flat clustering. """ flat = FlatClustering(self.distance_matrix, metadata=self.metadata, flattening='maxclust') flat.set_clusters(sch.fcluster(self.linkage, flat.group_count, criterion="maxclust")) return flat
[docs]class FlatClustering: """ A flat clustering represents a non-hierarchical clustering. Notes: FlatClustering uses a data frame field called ``data`` to store the actual clustering. This field will have the same index as the distance matrix, and three columns labeled ``Group``, ``GroupID``, and ``Cluster``. ``Group`` will be the group label returned by the :class:`DocumentDescriber` we use, ``GroupID`` a numerical ID for each group (to be used as ground truth) and ``Cluster`` the numerical ID of the actual cluster associated by the clustering algorithm. As long as FlatClusterings ``initialized`` property is ``False``, the Clustering is not assigned yet. """ def __init__(self, distances, clusters=None, metadata=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(distances, DistanceMatrix): self.distances = distances self.document_describer = self.distances.document_describer self.documents = self.distances.index elif isinstance(distances, Corpus): self.distances = None self.document_describer = distances.document_describer self.documents = distances.index else: raise ValueError( "Flat clustering must be initialized from a distance matrix or a corpus.\n" "(did you want to call Clustering.fcluster() instead?)") self.distances = distances self.metadata = Metadata(metadata if metadata is not None else distances.metadata, **kwargs), self.group_count = self._init_data() self.initialized = False if clusters is not None: self.set_clusters(clusters)
[docs] def set_clusters(self, clusters): if self.initialized: raise Exception("Already initialized")["Cluster"] = clusters self.initialized = True
def _init_data(self): clustering = pd.DataFrame(index=self.distances.index) dd = self.distances.document_describer clustering["Group"] = [dd.group_name(doc) for doc in clustering.index] group_count = len(dd.groups(clustering.index)) group_idx = pd.Series(index=clustering.Group.value_counts().index, data=range(0, group_count)) clustering["GroupID"] = return clustering, group_count
[docs] @staticmethod def ngroups(df): """ With df being a data frame that has a Group column, return the number of different authors in df. """ return len(set(df.Group))
[docs] def cluster_errors(self): """ Calculates the number of cluster errors by: 1. calculating the total number of different authors in the set 2. calling sch.fcluster to generate at most that many flat clusters 3. for each of those clusters, the cluster errors are the number of authors in this cluster - 1 4. sum of each cluster's errors = result """ return int(("Cluster") .agg(self.ngroups).Group-1).sum())
[docs] def purity(self): """ To compute purity, each cluster is assigned to the class which is most frequent in the cluster, and then the accuracy of this assignment is measured by counting the number of correctly assigned documents and dividing by $N$ """ def correctly_classified(cluster): return cluster.Group.value_counts()[0] return int("Cluster") .agg(correctly_classified) .Group.sum()) /
[docs] def entropy(self): """ Smaller entropy values suggest a better clustering. """ classes = def cluster_entropy(cluster): class_counts = cluster.value_counts() return float((class_counts / cluster.index.size * np.log(class_counts / cluster.index.size)).sum() * (-1)/np.log(classes)) def weighted_cluster_entropy(cluster): return (cluster.index.size / * \ cluster_entropy(cluster) return"Cluster") \ .agg(weighted_cluster_entropy).Group.sum()
[docs] def adjusted_rand_index(self): """ Calculates the Adjusted Rand Index for the given flat clustering """ logger.debug("Calculating ARI for %s", return metrics.adjusted_rand_score(,
[docs] def homogeneity_completeness_v_measure(self): return metrics.homogeneity_completeness_v_measure(,
[docs] def evaluate(self): """ Returns: pandas.Series: All scores for the current clustering """ result = pd.Series(dtype='float64') result["Cluster Errors"] = self.cluster_errors() result["Adjusted Rand Index"] = self.adjusted_rand_index() result["Homogeneity"], result["Completeness"], result["V Measure"] = \ self.homogeneity_completeness_v_measure() result["Purity"] = self.purity() result["Entropy"] = self.entropy() return result
[docs] def clusters(self, labeled=False): """ Documents by cluster. Args: labeled (bool): If ``True``, represent each document by its *label* as calculated by the :class:`DocumentDescriber`. This is typically a human-readable, shortened description Returns: dict: Maps each cluster number to a list of documents. """ clusters ="Cluster").groups if labeled: dd = self.distances.document_describer return {n: [dd.label(doc) for doc in docs] for n, docs in clusters.items()} else: return clusters
[docs] def describe(self): """ Returns a description of the current flat clustering. """ clusters = self.clusters(labeled=True) result = "{} clusters of {} documents (ground truth: {} groups):\n" \ .format(len(clusters), len(, self.group_count) result += pformat(clusters, compact=True) + '\n' return result
try: from sklearn_extra.cluster import KMedoids
[docs] class KMedoidsClustering_distances(FlatClustering): def __init__(self, distances, n_clusters=None, metadata=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(distances, metadata, **kwargs) if n_clusters is None: n_clusters = self.group_count model = KMedoids(n_clusters=n_clusters, metric='precomputed', method='pam') self.set_clusters(model.fit_predict(distances))
[docs] class KMedoidsClustering(FlatClustering): def __init__(self, corpus, delta, n_clusters=None, extra_args={}, metadata=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(corpus, metadata, **kwargs) if n_clusters is None: n_clusters = self.group_count model = KMedoids(n_clusters=n_clusters, method='pam', metric=delta.metric, **extra_args) data = delta.prepare(corpus) self.set_clusters(model.fit_predict(data))
except ImportError: logger.log(logging.WARNING, "KMedoids clustering not available.\n" \ "You need scikit-learn-extras", exc_info=1)