Source code for

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Various visualization tools.

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import manifold, decomposition
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
from import Iterable, Sequence

[docs]class Dendrogram: """ Creates a dendrogram representation from a hierarchical clustering. This is a wrapper around, and an improvement to, :func:`sch.dendrogram`, tailored for the use in pydelta. Args: clustering (Clustering): A hierarchical clustering. describer (DocumentDescriber): Document describer used for determining the groups and the labels for the documents used (optional). By default, the document describer inherited from the clustering is used. ax (mpl.axes.Axes): Axes object to draw on. Uses pyplot default axes if not provided. orientation (str): Orientation of the dendrogram. Currently, only "right" is supported (default). font_size: Font size for the label, in points. If not provided, :func:`sch.dendrogram` calculates a default. link_color (str): The color used for the links in the dendrogram, by default ``k`` (for black). title (str): a title that will be printed on the plot. The string may be a template string as supported by :meth:`str.format_map` with metadata field names in curly braces, it will be evaluated against the clustering's metadata. If you pass ``None`` here, no title will be added. Notes: The dendrogram will be painted by matplotlib / pyplot using the default styles, which means you can use, e.g., :module:`seaborn` to influence the overall design of the image. :class:`Dendrogram` handles coloring differently than :func:`sch.dendrogram`: It will color the document labels according to the pre-assigned grouping (e.g., by author). To do so, it will build on matplotlib's default color_cycle, and it will rotate, so if you need more colors, adjust the color_cycle accordingly. """ def __init__(self, clustering, describer=None, ax=None, orientation="left", font_size=None, link_color="k", title="Corpus: {corpus}", xlabel="Delta: {delta_title}, {words} most frequent {features}"): self.clustering = clustering self.linkage = clustering.linkage self.metadata = clustering.metadata self.describer = clustering.describer \ if describer is None else describer self.documents = list(clustering.distance_matrix.index) self.orientation = orientation self._init_colormap() plt.clf() self.dendro_data = sch.dendrogram(self.linkage, orientation=orientation, labels=self.documents, leaf_rotation = 0 if orientation == 'left' else 90, ax=ax, link_color_func=lambda k: link_color) # Now redo the author labels. To do so, we map a color to each author # (using the describer) and then = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax self.fig = plt.gcf() self._relabel_axis() if title is not None: plt.title(title.format_map(self.metadata)) if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel.format_map(self.metadata)) plt.tight_layout(2) def _init_colormap(self): groups = self.describer.groups(self.documents) props = mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] self.colormap = {x: y['color'] for x,y in zip(groups, props())} self.colorlist = [self.colormap[self.describer.group_name(doc)] for doc in self.documents] return self.colormap def _relabel_axis(self): if self.orientation == 'left': labels = else: labels = display_labels = [] for label in labels: group = self.describer.group_name(label.get_text()) label.set_color(self.colormap[group]) display_label = self.describer.label(label.get_text()) label.set_text(display_label) # doesn't really set the labels display_labels.append(display_label) if self.orientation == 'left': else:
[docs] def show(self):
[docs] def save(self, fname, **kwargs): self.fig.savefig(fname, **kwargs)
[docs]def scatterplot_delta(deltas, red_f=manifold.MDS(dissimilarity="precomputed", n_jobs=-1)): """ deltas: pydelta dist. matrix red_f: func for dimensionality reduction, e.g. "decomposition.PCA(n_components=2)" return: plot? """ if red_f == "mds": red_f = manifold.MDS(dissimilarity="precomputed", n_jobs=-1) elif red_f == "pca": red_f = decomposition.PCA(n_components=2) elif not isinstance(red_f, TransformerMixin): raise ValueError('red_f must be "mds", "pca", or a Transformer, but is ' + repr(red_f)) X_red = red_f.fit_transform(deltas) group_map = {y:x for x,y in enumerate(deltas.document_describer.groups(deltas.index))} label_names = [ deltas.document_describer.group_label(x) for x in deltas.index ] cluster_labels = [ float(group_map[deltas.document_describer.group_name(x)])/len(group_map) for x in deltas.index ] colors = mpl.spectral(cluster_labels) plt.scatter(X_red[:, 0], X_red[:, 1], marker='o', s=30, lw=0, alpha=0.7, c=colors) for label, color in dict(zip(label_names, colors)).items(): plt.scatter([], [], marker='o', s=30, lw=0, alpha=0.7, c=color, label=label) plt.legend() return plt.gca()
def _ix_lookup(arg, index): """ Implements the special index lookup for `spikeplot`s ``features`` and ``docs``. Args: index: a pandas index that must not be an integer index arg: None, an int (meaning ``[:arg]``) or a slice. Examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> idx = pd.Index(['a', 'b', 'c']) >>> _ix_lookup(None, idx) slice(None, None, None) >>> _ix_lookup(2, idx) Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object') >>> _ix_lookup([0,2], idx) Index(['a', 'c'], dtype='object') """ if arg is None: result = slice(None) elif isinstance(arg, Iterable) or isinstance(arg, slice): result = arg else: result = slice(arg) slice_ = result if isinstance(slice_, int): return index[:slice_] elif isinstance(slice_, slice) and any(isinstance(s, int) for s in (slice_.start, slice_.stop, slice_.step)): return index.__getitem__(slice_) elif isinstance(slice_, Sequence) and any(isinstance(s, int) for s in slice_): return index[slice_] else: return slice_
[docs]def spikeplot(corpus, docs=slice(None), features=50, figsize=None, **kwargs): """ Prepares a spike plot of a (normalized) corpus. Args: corpus (pandas.DataFrame): The corpus to plot docs (int, list or slice): the documents to include in the plot, default: all documents features (int, list, or slice): the features to plot, default: top 50 features figsize (2-element list): size of the plot kwargs: will be passed on to :meth:`pd.DataFrame.plot` Notes: The arguments docs and features can by either: * None, selecting all items * something you would put into corpus.index[·] or corpus.columns[·], respectively; i.e. a label indexer * an integer, selecting the first n items * a list of integers, selecting exactly those items Returns: the plot """ selection = corpus.loc.__getitem__((_ix_lookup(docs, corpus.index), _ix_lookup(features, corpus.columns))) if figsize is None: w, h = plt.rcParams.get('figure.figsize') figsize = [1.5*w, 0.5*h] axes = selection.T.plot(kind='bar', figsize=figsize, **kwargs) return axes